Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Wincam employee Joe Viglione's Visual Radio guests - #1 Mitch Diamond

Public Records Requests and the internet are WONDERFUL aren't they? So much can be found and it is all public knowledge - ergo it is all allowable to be redistributed. For example, if one goes to this web link


In the blog post you are brought to, one will find the following passage

Program #508 Friday Evening April 1...

8:05 PM Martin Popoff, co-author of The Collector's Guide To Heavy Metal Vol. 4.

Mitch Diamond The Karboard Kid

Mitch Diamond is a rock & roll detective who knows the value of posters, flyers, handbills, musician business cards...the paper goods that record collectors and film buffs go crazy over. He can appraise things and talk about the various journeys some of the items have taken in this interesting world. JOHNNY "THE KID" BYERS phones in with a sports report

FRANK DELLO STRITTO talks about our films!

9:05 PM Billy Shear's STRIKE FORCE with Richard Gere, Don Blakely and Cliff Gorman

10:35 CORRUPT with Harvey Keitel, John Lydon, Sylvia Sidney No, not the story of a public access TV station up the road...it's a real movie! JOHNNY ROTTEN'S FIRST MOVIE! The Sex Pistols' singer in the film CORRUPT! 9:05 - 12:28 AM! It's actually four hours and 23 minutes of Visual Radio if you look at it that way!

Posted by recordexpo at 3:17 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to Twitter Share to Facebook

At the top of the blog entry you will see that the year is 2011. We are coming up on the second anniversary of the day Joe Viglione brought Mitch Diamond into the Wincam studios at the Winchester Public High School to present to you live (and record for subsequent distribution and replay on his "network" of public access cable stations) Episode #508 of Mr Viglione's Public Access TV show Visual Radio

Now if you are to go to this next link


You will be brought to a web page containing the following information

Justia US Law US Case Law US Federal Case Law US Courts of Appeals Cases F.2d Volume 820 820 F.2d 10 - United States of America, Appellant, v. ... NEW - Receive Justia's FREE Daily Newsletters of Opinion Summaries for the US Supreme Court, all US Federal Appellate Courts & the 50 US State Supreme Courts and Weekly Practice Area Opinion Summaries Newsletters. Subscribe Now

820 F.2d 10: United States of America, Appellant, v. Mitchell Diamond, Defendant, Appellee

United States Court of Appeals, First Circuit. - 820 F.2d 10 Argued May 6, 1987.Decided June 1, 1987

Susan R. Via, Asst. U.S. Atty., with whom Frank L. McNamara, Jr., U.S. Atty., Boston, Mass., was on supplemental brief, for appellant.

David Berman with whom Berman and Moren, Lynn, Mass., was on supplemental brief for defendant, appellee.

Before CAMPBELL, Chief Judge, and COFFIN, BOWNES, BREYER, TORRUELLA and SELYA, Circuit Judges.

COFFIN, Circuit Judge.

1) This case comes to us on an appeal by the government from a ruling by the district court granting defendant's pretrial motion to suppress thirteen videotapes, other materials, and statements obtained in a search of his residence. The challenged portion of the search warrant authorized the seizure of videotapes "depicting prepubescent children or children under the age of 18 years involved in sexually explicit conduct." The court concluded that the warrant failed to "meet the standard of specificity required when a warrant authorizes seizure of materials which may be protected by the First Amendment," because it impermissibly vested the searching officers with discretion to determine whether the videotapes depicted children under the age of 18. The district court relied especially upon our decision in United States v. Guarino, 729 F.2d 864 (1st Cir.1984), wherein we held that the particularly requirement of the Fourth Amendment(1) was violated by a warrant permitting police to seize "obscene materials of the same tenor as" three named magazines.

2) A panel of this court affirmed the suppression of the videotapes in a divided opinion, which was subsequently withdrawn when this case was ordered to be considered by the entire court en banc. We now deem the record in this case insufficiently developed to require us to address the particularity issue and remand for further evaluation of the videotapes.

3) The affidavit presented to the magistrate identified six videotapes which defendant had mailed to government undercover agents. Virtually all of these films were described as depicting "Lolitas" a term the affiant said he knew was "commonly used by pornography collectors and pedophiles to describe prepubescent girls engaged in sexual activity." (Appendix at 9, para. 10.) Two, received by a postal inspector on July 19, 1984, consisted of a "package," one "Lolita" and a "teen tape" (Appendix at 12); two others received the same day were labeled "Lol & Barnyard." The remaining two, received on August 10, 1984, consisted of "the better Lolitas" plus "teens and a few barnyard [bestiality] films." (Appendix at 18.) Throughout the 45 paragraph affidavit defendant is quoted as being interested in acquiring "Lolitas," which he distinguishes repeatedly from "teenage" tapes and films.

4) After reviewing this affidavit and the six videotapes, the magistrate issued a warrant on December 10, 1984, the relevant section of which (Paragraph C.1) authorized the seizure of

5) All video tapes and/or 8 millimeter loops or other visual media depicting prepubescent children or children under the age of 18 years involved in sexually explicit conduct--i.e., sexual intercourse, including genital-to-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, between persons of the same and/or opposite sex; and/or masturbation.

6) Other portions of the warrant authorized the seizure of equipment used to produce the videotapes referred to in paragraph C.1. and of records and documents related to those videotapes.

7) Subsequently, on December 11, 1984, ten to fifteen police officers, postal inspectors, and a United States Customs Agent executed the search of defendant's home. (Suppression Hearing at 22.) Portions of the search were recorded on a two-hour videotape. Defendant possessed some 800 videotapes, and it is clear from the record of the suppression hearing that the defendant identified for the searching officers videotapes he thought met the warrant's description. (Suppression Hearing at 31-33.) The videotape shows defendant taking tapes down from the shelves and stacking them. (Suppression Hearing at 52.) The defendant's answers to questions at the Suppression Hearing indicated that he referred to these tapes interchangeably as "child pornography videotapes" (Suppression Hearing at 33) and as "Lolitas" (Suppression Hearing at 35). All fifteen of the videotapes seized were located in about an hour. The officers then proceeded to view the videotapes and to execute other portions of the search warrant. The entire search took a little over seven hours. (Appendix at 154-57.)

8) After the search, defendant filed a motion to suppress "all VHS, Beta or other videotapes," along with all books, papers, video recording or playing equipment, and statements obtained during the search. Briefing and oral argument proceeded on an all-or-nothing basis. The court, therefore, did not examine the thirteen tapes that it suppressed.(2)

9) The question whether a warrant authorizing seizures of films depicting sexual activity by children under 18 violates the particularity requirement of the Fourth Amendment is a significant one of current interest. United States v. Wiegand, 812 F.2d 1239 (9th Cir.1987) (upholding warrant authorizing seizure of videotapes "depicting a person under the age of 18 years"). Before pushing to the frontiers of constitutional analysis, however, we think it sound policy to see if a more modest basis for resolving the suppression motion exists. See Alabama State Federation of Labor v. McAdory, 325 U.S. 450, 461, 65 S.Ct. 1384, 1389-90, 89 L.Ed. 1725 (1945) (explaining the Court's policy not "to decide any constitutional question in advance of the necessity for its decision, ... or to formulate a rule of constitutional law broader than is required by the precise facts to which it is to be applied"). See also Rescue Army v. Municipal Court, 331 U.S. 549, 568-72, 67 S.Ct. 1409, 1419-21, 91 L.Ed. 1666 (1947); Ashwander v. Tennessee Valley Authority, 297 U.S. 288, 346, 56 S.Ct. 466, 482, 80 L.Ed. 688 (1936) (Brandeis, J., concurring). We, therefore, resist a rush to judgment.

10) Both in its supplemental brief in support of rehearing en banc and at oral argument, the government informed this court that each of the thirteen videotapes suppressed by the district court contains at least one scene involving prepubescent children. If this fact were established by the record, we think it clear that there could be no successful motion to suppress based on improper discretion allowed a seizing officer. The warrant's description of films involving "prepubescent children" provides a relatively objective standard for police officers to follow. Though there might be certain exceptional cases in which mistakes might be made about the signs of puberty in a particular individual, any tapes mistakenly seized under the description "prepubescent children" would most certainly be of individuals under the age of 18: any such tapes would, therefore, be of evidentiary value in a criminal prosecution under the Child Protection Act, 18 U.S.C. Sec. 2252(a). Since the warrant's description of films depicting "prepubescent children" was constitutionally sufficient, such films could be properly seized and admitted into evidence whether or not the additional phrase "children under the age of 18" was particular enough. United States v. Riggs, 690 F.2d 298 (1st Cir.1982) (film seized pursuant to valid portion of search warrant was admissible even if other portions of the warrant were invalid).

11) From our reading of the affidavit and the transcript of the suppression hearing, we think it a substantial possibility that many, if not all, of the seized videotapes included scenes involving prepubescent children. Even if some of the tapes prove to be of apparently pubescent or late teenage young people, and were to be suppressed by the district court, we would assume that the government would seek an appeal only if such tapes were deemed critical to the prosecution. In short, it is possible that there will be no need to face the close question concerning the "children under the age of 18" language.

12) We, therefore, direct the district court to review the videotapes to see how many are admissible as depicting prepubescent children engaging in the described sexually explicit conduct. If an issue remains concerning videotapes which do not depict prepubescent children in such activity, the court, of course, will address that issue. We add that the court should also specifically address those portions of the warrant authorizing the seizure of video equipment and other materials to see if they were drafted with particularity and supported by probable cause.

13) The judgment is vacated and the case is remanded for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.


1) "... no Warrants shall issue, but ... particularly describing the ... things to be seized."

2) The government returned two of the videotapes which it alleged depicted adult bestiality. (Appendix at 170.)

The Mitch Diamond on Mr Viglione's Visual Radio episode has been identified both by image and voice as being the same Mitchell Diamond in "United States of America, Appellant, v. Mitchell Diamond, Defendant, Appellee"

As a rather ironic footnote to the above, this was on April Fool's Day! It certainly was an April Fool's joke for the High School students who may still have been in the building at the time!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Another Medford Patch post against Joe Viglione's Lies

We have just read on Joe Viglione's Blog of another post against his lies that he has had removed from The Medford Patch. So naturally we went to the Patch Archives and retrieved that post, presenting it here. If Joe Viglione does not want you to read it, WE DO.

Arthur DeLuca

10:08 am on Saturday, March 16, 2013

Medford Patch Editor - most of the "facts" in this article aren't facts at all, but twisted untruths aimed at defaming people and their reputations. The Medford Patch should remove this article as it violates the Patch's terms of use. Patch editor, please remove this article or allow me to post a counter article citing the docket numbers of defamation lawsuits our corporation has won against this individual, along with the details of their findings. All you really need to do to determine the true mindset of this individual in writing this article, is to visit his blogspot at the link he has provided above. Upon reading it you will see for yourself what a hateful, bitter individual he is. I am sure you will then agree this article needs to come down. If required of you, I can provide you with documentation of the lawsuits we won against Mr Viglione. This man even filed a criminal complaint against me claiming a dead raccoon he found under his porch was put there by me because my Tv3 character is named Doctor Rabies and raccoons are known to sometimes have rabies. The magistrate dismissed the complaint without having the case go to court. Mr Viglione will most likely tell you I am in violation of a police mediation agreement by writing this. This is also untrue. Should he make this claim, please contact John McLean of the Medford Police department's Cyber Crimes unit and he will verify that I am in violation of nothing.

Wincam employee Joe Viglione in process of creating Unfactual "factual" article on Public Access TV

Even as we type these words, Joe Viglione is typing his own inaccurate unfactual words. here is a portion of what Mr Viglione is writing on his blogspot.


You pay millions of dollars for P/E/G. 1.7 million for the three P/E/G channels in 2010 and 2011 according to the Medford Transcript.

First off, Tv3 Medford was open in December. It was not until January when they were closed, excluding the traditional Christmas Week when most access stations (such as Malden Ma) are closed to allow their emploees and members to spend time with their families and loved ones. That still leaves three weeks in December when Public Access was open.

Further, The Medford Transcript reported the $1.7 million as the total take of the Percentage Franchise Fee for those two years. Of this fee only two-fifths goes to the access channels (1/5th for public access, 1/5th for educational access with the government access channel taking nothing). The remaining sixty percent of that 1.7 million goes into the City's General Fund per the passing of a home rule petition, submitted by the Ciy Council under the Plan E form of government and approved by the State years before Mike McGlynn took office as the Mayor of Medford. Mayor McGlynn has nothing to do with the taking of sixty percent of the franchise fee for the City. And Mr Viglione knows this since he has been told so many, many times. City Councilor Michael Marks has stated so before the cameras on several occasions during Council meeting discussions. Yet Joe Viglione continues to state this falsehood. Perhaps Mr Viglione should file a public records request to get the names of the City Councilors who sponsored the home rule petition as well as obtaining a list of which Councilors voted for it and which voted against it. If the sixty percent were not going to the general Fund, that money would have to be made up by we the taxpayers, in the form of increased property taxes. So Mr & Mrs Medford, the question is, do you want to pay an extra $540,000 annually so that Joe Viglione and the members of Tv3 Medford can have a bigger sandbox to play in? I think not. For Joe Viglione to think that you would, he must be
The Village Idiot

Friday, March 15, 2013

The Underground Income of Wincam employee Joe Viglione - part 1 Joe's "movie in World-Wide release"

Thanks to an Amazon woman from the New England Conservatory of music, we recieved the following information via two sticks banging on a hollow log as she practiced her solo performance "Etude for a Limp Rubber Duck". Here at last is the skinny on the "Movie in World-Wide Release" That Joe Vioglione often refers to during his City Council Pump Me Up - I am Important introductory preludes to his Look at Me - I'm Bashing the Mayor on Live TV speeches.

Marty Balin - Live At The Boston Esplanade, June 14, 2008 (2009)

Marty Balin (Actor), n (Director), a (Director) | Rated: NR | Format: DVD
3.7 out of 5 stars See all reviews (9 customer reviews)

Price: $9.95 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. Details

Temporarily out of stock.
Order now and we'll deliver when available. We'll e-mail you with an estimated delivery date as soon as we have more information. Your account will only be charged when we ship the item.
Ships from and sold by Amazon.com. Gift-wrap available.

11 new from $4.80 4 used from $7.98

Now let's look at some of those reviews to Mr Viglione's great movie (excluding the planted reviews from Joe Viglione's friends & aliases)

The problem is the way the outdoor show was shot, December 28, 2009
By Gregory Starr - See all my reviews

Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Marty Balin - Live At The Boston Esplanade, June 14, 2008 (DVD)
Balin deserves so much more than what the producer of this dvd gives. The lack of production gets in the way of the concert recording.

The producer and his note writer use Amazon Customer Review to hustle their own production and rate it at five stars. From a customer's viewpoint, these "rock journalists" are wannabe producers who know nothing about sound and vision technology. And seem unwilling to invest in it. Their camera crew seems to be making a home movie: jitters, jumps, bleached out colour, no close-ups, and a sound that is not very good. Is 5.1 too much to expect on a dvd? Can't Balin connect with better producers, maybe experienced producers?

But to be fair the problem is deeper. Balin's band cannot rouse the crowd, which seems pretty indifferent and sleepy in the midday sun. This is because the band is doing just a routine run-through of 8 hits; any potential customer has probably heard these played better many times. If you haven't, check youtube. It was a mistake to record an afternoon show. The one new song, "If I had a rocket launcher", seems extraordinarily inappropriate in these terrorist-conscious times. Didi Stewart impersonates Grace Slick, which of course cannot succeed. Stewart should consider Slick's advice about older women performing onstage. Sorry if politically incorrect. The band's performances do not engage and are not memorable. Take a look at youtube, where you can judge her and the band's performances for yourself. I find that youtube performances from other concert venues on the same tour, especially Wisconsin, would have made a far, far better dvd.

I would have liked to recommend this product, but the production sucks and the concert is boring and lackluster.

Balin really needs to consider what he has to offer as a solo artist, how to make his concerts interesting and to whom he is going to entrust his productions. If he is just going to rehash the hits, maybe he does not have to bother.

Big problems come in the bonus features. How about the word "slapdash"? A book writer gets time to plug his own book. When the bonuses finally get around to Mr Balin, "Later on" is promised, but it turns out to be wordless...lalala, lala... In a couple, Balin is visually unrecognizable. In another, the camera is unmanned, and bystanders walk in front and dawdle. The producer seems to think that a fan will accept any kind of quality. However, I think he will learn that fans expect good quality dvd productions. But in these bonuses, Balin gives some intimate and engaging performances. You just have to overlook the production.

Balin is a great writer and performer. Production detracts lots from these. If you only have this dvd, then you would not know why anyone liked Mr Balin's work. Maybe someone else will do a decent production of Mr Balin's music.

Great content, poor production, December 30, 2009
By J. Pedrick "Joe P." (Yardley, PA United States) - See all my reviews

This review is from: Marty Balin - Live At The Boston Esplanade, June 14, 2008 (DVD)
I was struck by the poor video and audio quality of this dvd, at least to the point of writing here which I've never done before. I understand the continual reference to this being a "labior of love" but frankly, it should have had more labor put into it. Content=great (five stars), production=terrible (no stars).

Amateur Video Production, April 24, 2011
By Masorl - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Marty Balin - Live At The Boston Esplanade, June 14, 2008 (DVD)
I agree with previous reviewers' comments regarding the poor production quality of this video. I am a Jefferson Airplane and Jefferson Starship fan and have seen Marty Balin perform a number of times. Due to the poor quality of this release, it is not representative of a Marty Balin concert. It seemed like only one of the cameras (camcorders?) used was in focus, others blurred through most of the performance and the camera shake, at times, grew to be unbearable. If I had known this was an amateur production, I would not have purchased this DVD. I am now stuck with a DVD I will probably not watch again.

Did I watch a different DVD than you 5-star reviewers?, May 16, 2012
By H. P. Keable "more bass!" (Chicago, IL) - See all my reviews

Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Marty Balin - Live At The Boston Esplanade, June 14, 2008 (DVD)
Make no mistake, I wanted to like this DVD a lot, but there's no getting around the fact that at 65+ y.o. Marty's voice is pretty much shot, at least in a live setting. Yeah sure, the video production is amateur all the way, but if he had sounded halfway decent in the Boston show, I could have overlooked all that. He did not. I've heard other examples of this on the Mick's Picks live CD set from 2007. You find yourself being embarassed for the guy cuz he was one of the great ones. And yet his studio CD's from the past decade are pretty good.....go figure.

There are some bonus tracks from other places, and two of them, Fitzgerald's 2006 and Madison, WI, 2007, are just him and Slick Aguilar, and they're not bad. He doesn't reach for the moon vocally. Plus in Madison he sings a version of "Somebody to Love" which was worth getting the DVD just for that, very nice.

Well with glowering testimonials like those above dear readers, what can I possibly add to the critique's of Joe Viglione's former customers other than
I can hardly wait for your next movie, Joe!!!
Lest you think I'm making this all up, here is the actual link to the actual Amazom.Com actual page selling the actual DVD and containing the actual reviewers actual comments from the actual purchasers who actually watched it.

Open to debate - is this Wincam employee Joe Viglione?

Two more deleted Medford Patch posts; the only two by this poster. These are the posts that started the flurry on the Medford Patch Wednesday.


5:21 am on Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Mayor McGlynn is a dirty nasty closet fag. He's corrupt to the core you can smell the stench of crap and dirty dealings on this piece of sh"" a mile a away. The entire system in Medford is like a foul apple on the outside it may look alright but scratch the service and see the disgusting corrupt to the core scum that run this place.


5:13 pm on Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Mayor McGlynn is under investigation by the Feds and it won't take long before this whole corrupt to the core house of cards falls and all his cronies and dirty nasty corrupt scum are brought before justice. This guy thinks he is immune to stealing taxpayers' money and hiring family and friends to the point where he's throwing cash at whoever he feels like. This is what happens when you have a piece of sh"" like this in office too long a guy like this is nothing but walking con artist.

The times showing here are when the posts were 'deleted' not when they were posted. According to Joe Viglione's blog entry of 11:07 AM Wednesday, this second Medford Patch posting was made at 5:24 AM that day. In his blog post, Joe has the following to say about the Patch post


We have no idea who that person is, but we responded.

Below is Joe Viglione's now-deleted Patch response to the above now-deleted Patch post

Joe Viglione

5:14 pm on Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Stopcorruption, those are some pretty heavy allegations. So far the McGlynn Machine has insulated itself. McGlynn does think he's immune with the family and friends being hired. It's a powerful regime with family members a brother-in-law or two who seem to do his bidding, a powerful brother, the powerful Attorney General. Look at the P/E/G monies if you want to see a total abuse of power. McGlynn on television with a Waste Management commercial running non-stop at election time. Did you notice that We Are The World plays on the access channel AND during the Beauty Pageant "State of the City" address. It's McGlynn's theme song for "election 2013", yet in the Boston Herald, McGlynn had his praises sung by none other than Joe Fitzgerald, the gay basher. Just look up Joe Fitzgerald on Google...a resident told me to do that and it is chilling. Some of this information comes from other sources, I'm just not quoting them to protect those courageous enough to take a stand and send information out. Thanks for your comment, STOP CORRUPTION but you're going a little over the top. Tone down the harshness and state your case. We need a new Mayor in the city of Medford.

Hey Joe, I think I know who this other poster is. He's the personality in your body who emerges when your body first wakes up. Then later on in the morning, perhaps after a failed bowel movement or two, you get even nastier and your Joe Viglione personality emerges. I know it's just a theory, but based on information and belief, you are getting a Social Security Disability check for Multiple Personality Disorder, so this theory has some validity to it to back it up. This theory also fits into your being
The Village Idiot
. Obviously that is another one of your personalities. Let's see now... since Social Security is a Government office, I wonder how much information one can obtain from them by sending in a Public Records Request or a Freedom of Information Act request?

More now-deleted rebuttals to Joe Viglione's now-deleted Medford Patch attack postings.

Here are three defense rebuttals to Joe Vigline's lies. Even though Joe Viglione's original Medford Patch posts containing theses lies have been taken down from the corresponding article, Joe Viglione makes these false accusations on his blogs, for which he allows no counter-postings to correct these lies. therefor I am posting the rebuttals here where Joe Viglione cannot force anyone to take them down. Let them stand as a monument to the people in opposition to Joe Viglione's Lies.

Doria Alberg

5:14 pm on Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Viglione has sunk to a new low level, to attack someone's personal business without knowing the facts. There are MANY reasons why a corporation might not show up on a state website. My husband Mr. Alberg has been a registered representative helping people for over 25 years and still is. We have helped many people increase their wealth in that time. Long Live Alberg Financial! Mr. Viglione should be banned from the Patch for violation of their TOS and human decency. I have notified the Patch.

Doria Alberg

5:14 pm on Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The lawsuit figure is accurate but that is because YOU have brought about EVERY lawsuit. Why does it concern you where my husband's business is??? And how do you know we're not on High Street, have you been stalking us??? TV3 is under no obligation to show you the meeting minutes. And if that's the case, the issuing authority, Mayor McGlynn should give them to you. You insinuate in your above posts that my husband has done something wrong, which is not true, and you know that. This thing you have going on with TV3 is nothing more then a vendetta. Yes I phoned your 'businesses' although you don't receive money from them. You called Dan Sarno's college and spoke with the dean, you called Corelle and tried to get a major award taken from Gary. All that you accuse me of, you've done yourself and you know it, talk about transparency! Alberg Financial is NOT defunct, we are doing seminars at several locations in the spring. Know your facts Joe. You know nothing of which you speak!!

Doria Alberg

5:14 pm on Wednesday, March 13, 2013

You didn't win it, there was no finding because the judge said you were 'dillusional'. Do you want me to print the finding of the judge here? He also said you had no idea how businesses or access TV was run and that no one who had any sense would read your drivel. You aren't fighting this for the people you're doing this for you, a vendetta pure and simple because you got thrown out of TV3 years ago. What kind of person continues this for over 10 years? You're obsessed, and you're obsessed with anyone who is involved in TV3. You hate my husband because he couldn't do what you wanted years ago. We've been in touch with John Taylor and all the things you claim he told you NEVER HAPPNED. You're not part of TV3 and that bothers you so much that you spend all your time blogging about them, what kind of person does that??? I have proof of all this and I'll put it in writing and show it in scans if this continues. You believe I'm a liar because you're dillusional Joe.

Luciano, a poster to the Medford Patch is really Joe Viglione

Just a few minutes ago I was in communication with someone who upon posting a reply to another poster on the Medford Patch noticed something oddly familiar. I was sent this "something oddly familiar" post which I now share with you all


11:48 am on Friday, March 8, 2013

It is the McGlynn machine that forces this Mayor back into office. Too many individuals are dependent upon him. Go look at the doorbells of the housing authority and see an alleged "who's who" of insiders, not the people who need the housing. McGlynn has dona terrible job - a 4 million dollar verdict against him at River's Edge, a public access TV station that is always shut down, be it a hurricane or a National Grid excuse or a flood or board members John, Doreen, Bob, Allison, Matt, Bill, Chrissy, Vincent, Phyllis all chased away. No inclusion, no ability to go on TV3 and discuss the Medford Housing Authority. I agree with Doria Alberg on Term Limits. Term limits for the City Council, for the School Committee, for the Mayor and for the Board of Directors of TV3. Term limits. I totally agree with Doria Alberg on that one. Thank you, young lady, for an excellent suggestion.

See what I mean? Obviously this is Joe Viglione posting under an assumed identity. Sharp observation there, my friend; glad you had your eyes peeled. My thanks also go to you for tipping off Bob Penta about Joe Viglione and how to get him brought to justice by convincing John Byers to talk to the police about what he knows of Joe Viglione's schemes and what part John Byers has been playing in those schemes. The police, of course will not be charging John Byers with anything he may have done. they understand that Joe Viglione took advantage of this special needs individual and tricked him into helping Joe Viglione out.

And now my personal message to you, Mr. Joe Viglione. Did you actually think no one familiar with your writings would be able to recognize upon reading the postings of Luciano, that he is actually you? Did you? really? C'mon now, only
The Village Idiot
would believe he could fool anyone.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

A deleted rebuttal to Joe Viglione's deleted Medford Patch posts

Searching through the melee that happened on the Medford Patch yesterday, going through the archive of deleted posts that the Patch keeps, I found this one that should be shared. It shows what a Slimy Liar Joe Viglione really is. While it's impossible to be able to match this post up to the post it's a replay to with absolute certainty, the meaning is not lost by the lack of association to the original post.

Arthur DeLuca

5:25 pm on Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Time to tell the truth about "the straw" Joe. You told John Byers that mayoral candidate Tony D'Antonio told you he won the coin toss but McGlynn bitched & whined that he wanted to pick. Then you had John Byers tell the story to Ziggy Bush on a live phone call to TV3 . Then you "reported" on your blog that you heard the informatiion on Ziggy's show. YOU PLANTED THAT FALSE STORY JOE! When John first told it, he claimed that Tony won to conclude first, but Mike wanted it. I pointed out to John that the one who goes LAST has the advantage, so no way would Mike want to go first. Then John changed his story to Mike wanting to go last. This lie paints Tony D'Antonio as a wimp for not breaking the story himself (if it were true, which it is not). So Tony knew this, said nothing during campaign time and then decides to let John Byers (his other political opponent) break the story for him AFTER the election is over? Is that what you expect us to believe? Get real!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

If you like this blog, try these others

Joe Viglione blogs seem to be popping up like mushrooms lately. Now I do not mean blogs by Joe Viglione himself, but rather blogs about Joe Viglione. Here are some new ones I have found

To Bully or Not To Bully


Enjoy them all, they are winners in my book! Joe Viglione on the other hand is a weiner in my book.

Wincam employee Joe Viglione's deleted Medford Patch postings revealed

Joe Viglione has announced on his blog tonight

Patch and AOL.com Corporate have been WONDERFUL in removing the vicious posts that Deluca and his accomplices have posted in defiance of the Agreement Frank Pilleri made with the Medford Police on June 21, 2012, almost nine months ago.

What Joe Viglione has NOT told you is that the Medford Patch has taken down ALL the blog postings on the off-topic and against-the-rules postings including Joe Viglione's. What Joe Viglione does not know is that all his Medford Patch postings, even those deleted by the Patch staff are kept archived on the Patch's website. The still active posts show the dates of their actual postings. His deleted posts show instead the date they were deleted. All one has to do is go to the Archive lists of Joe Viglione's Patch postings and click on the article link for them. When the link takes you to the article page, scroll down and look for the comment. Any that are not there are the postings by Joe Viglione removed by the staff of the Patch.

here are the links to the archived Patch postings by Joe Viglione

Joe Viglione patch member #1 postings

Joe Viglione patch member #2 postings

Joe Viglione is too ashamed and embarrassed to tell you that he has had many posted comments removed from the Patch by the staff.

Flie this under
Ashamed and Embarrassed Village Idiot

Exposing Wincam employee Joe Viglione's Secret Exposes before he reveals them himself

Earlier today the rather boring Joe Viglione rather boringly wrote on his rather boring blog the following rather boring blog entry:

Yet another old $27,000.00 a year whore whose silence can be bought off with a Rubber Ducky Water Taxi that also works on land.

There's a joke in there that I am not at liberty to disclose just yet.

No rather boring Joe, keep us in rather boring suspense. Don't unbore us and reveal to us just yet that Pat Fiorello is the entrepeneur who created Boston's Duck Tours and then sold the business off for more money than you will ever see in your entire rather boring life

But keep on believing in your rather boring way that no one else knows this rather boring "secret", it just shows everyone how you rather boringly earned the rather boring title of
File this one rather boringly under Quackpot

Wincam employee Joe Viglione's secret Love Child revealed!

Now it can be told

I am sure you are all aware of Joe Viglione's many trips to New York (usually on weekends) to "conduct business" with his many Copyright Attorneys. We have just learned through detailed conversations with a very prestigious mayoral candidate (who received only 1/10th the votes of the dirty, slimy winning actual Mayor in the primaries), that the real purpose of these trips is to visit with (and possibly pay Child Support to) his love child daughter Lea Viglione A.K.A. Lea Vee!

Lea is a professional model by profession who professionally models in a professional manner. Very prestigious and professional of her. To see some of her modelling work (which is quite professional) visit these professional links to these professional websites and professionally judge for yourself just how professional this professional model (and daughter of Joe Vigline) is by profession.

Model Mayhem
Mis Co-Ed
Lazy Girls
Spank Bank

While Joe Viglione will not admit to this and thus will not reveal who the mother is, one cannot help but notice the striking body details similarity between Lea and Joe Viglione's self-proclaimed dead girlfriend JoJo Laine (especially around the nipples)!!!! We dont want to say with absolute certainty that she is, but you do the math (in this case the "math" being MULTIPLICATION) and I'm sure you'll come to the same conclusion!

And remember, just because Joe Viglione is a Public Figure does not mean that he can prove he is not also the
Village Idiot

File this one under Hanky - Panky

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Wincam employee Joe Viglione wins another prestigious award - Bum Of The Year

For Immediate Release

Joe Viglione wins Medford's most coveted Bum of the Year Award by Unanimous vote of the Medford Square Revitalization Committee.

You are hearing it here first Ladies & Gentlemen. The voting took place just last night at a secret meeting of the Medford Square Revitalization Committee in the basement of 32 Riverside Ave, the once home of Leftfield Sports. And this is highly appropriate since Joe's winning of this award certainly came out of left field! It was a tough vote too, with voting running (pain in the) neck and (pain in the) neck between Joe Viglione and future/past Mayoral candidate John Byers for several hours until just before midnight when Freddie Unanimous switched his vote giving Joe Viglione the win by a two vote margin. The ballots were then all burned by being smoked in a Giant Bong and a cloud of hallucinogenic smoke was released from the building, causing those in close proximity to have visions of Sugarplums dancing in their heads. It's been rumored that Bum of The Year-Elect Joe Viglione himself was in the Square at that exact moment with his nose pressed to the glass, looking for signs of Tv3's moving in to the first floor. Since being at ground zero causes the greatest degree of DELUSION, this fully explains Joe Viglione's delusional blog entries.

All Hail the Holy Cannibus

This Prestigious Award will not be annouced until Evacuation Day (Google it if you don't know when that is - ignore it if you don't care). We here at ICM learned of it because of our Secret Mole Spy Fink buried deep within the Medford Square Revitalization Committee's midst... ah, screw it!!... Truth be told, the guy lives in the basement and all the arguing over who should win woke him up so he insinuated himself into the meeting to spy for us; and mostly for the Free Coffee & Danish. The award will be presented to Joe Viglione at a pomp and circumstance Ceremony at Carroll's on April Fools Day. Joe will be awarded a brand new suit (socks included) and a package of breath mints. whew! In your face Responsible Journalism doesn't get any better than this, folks.

It is unclear at this time if Joe will have to give up his status as Medford's Village Idiot in order to accept the honor as and serve as Medford's Bum of the Year or if he'll be allowed to serve both posts without there being a Conflict of Interest. State Attorney General Martha Coakley is diligently looking into this vital issue even as we speak!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Wincam employee Joe Viglione reveals TOTAL IGNORANCE of how Government operates

Well the VILLAGE IDIOT is at it again, showing how Joe Viglione knows nothing about the actual legal and proper workings of Government. Look at this passage from his blog this afternoon

Awards are nice, but what about the infrastructure here? Locust St. near Shaws is like a roller coaster, Riverside Ave and Commercial St are as bad as Central Ave, so thousands of vehicles have to drive over roads that could be repaired with the $700,000.00 or so Parking Garage study and the $800,000.00 or so Water Taxi study.

No, Joe, that money cannot be used for the purposes you suggest! This was grant money given to be used specifically for those studies!. As such, it can be used only for those studies. But what did you expect from Joe Viglione, folks? It's not about Joe Viglione, so Joe Viglione doesn't really know anything about it!

Sheesh! Get a clue, will you, Joe!

Wincam employee Joe Viglione is a PUDDING EATER

This just in... according to our Secret Sources at the Stop & Shop, Joe Viglione is a Pudding Eater!!!!! We knew of this days ago, people but we held up breaking the SHOCKING news until we had corroboration (or at least until we had our own dessert). And this morning we wake up to have that validation handed to us on a silver platter... perhaps the very same silver platter that Mr Viglione eats his pudding on!!!!!!!!! For on Joe Viglione's very own blog entry which he typed up this morning with his very own little fingers, the exact same fingers he uses to hold the spoon with which he eats his pudding (aside: does he, we wonder, use a teaspoon to eat his pudding with, or a tablespoon, or even -shudder- a Gravy Spoon??? - but we digress), yes typing away with pudding perhaps dripping off his pudgy little fingers, spilling onto the keyboard, clogging up the keys (which might explain Joe Viglione's odd spelling errors), Joe Viglione, in a Freudian Slip (or perhaps even in a Bra & Panties, typed out the following passage

we see NO PROGRAMMING. No proof of the pudding in the eating...)

There you have it my fellow Americans, Joe Viglione is a self confessed fithy no-good Damn dirty Ape (no wait... that's a line from Charlton Heston), Pudding Eater !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course, as I say, we knew this all along, based on testimony from a very reliable, award-losing prestigious source. To quote the source, "There I was pushing my cart down the isle at Stop & Shop when who do I see but non-mayoral candidate Joe Viglione stopped in front of the pudding section, eyes glazed over and drooling so much he was making a puddle on the floor. I asked him 'what's up Joe?' but he didn't answer. he kept staring at the shelf and chanted in a low voice 'Pooo-Ding... Pooo-Ding'. Then he reached his hands out and began practically shoveling those packages of powdery delight into his shopping cart. Jell-o, Royal, Betty Crocker, it didn't matter to Joe. He's an equal opportunity pudding eater. It was disgusting the way he ignored me like that and kept filling his cart. I wheeled away from him to go to the frozen pizza section & fill up my own cart since there aren't any more Devil Dogs for me to buy. Well when I got to the snacks section, there was Joe again. Only this time he was stocking up pudding cups! Chocolate, vanilla, Butterscotch, tapioca, mixed. There was proof before my eyes that Joe Viglione is a stocker and he was right there stocking the pudding in public and everything, It was sick, I was so gisgusted I wanted to vomit! I quickly left him to do the dirty deed and I headed for the checkout counter. To my surprise, there was Joe ahead of me in line already. He was pushing his cart into place, with his cart piled so high that boxes of pudding were spilling out and falling onto the floor. So he bent over, revealing his ass-crack, picked them up and re-stocked his cart with the pudding. Amazingly for a Third Time Joe Viglione was stocking pudding in the supermarket!"

Well what more do we need to say Ladies & Gentlemen... except to reveal the source of this story (which we won't). No we're not going to tell you that the source was John Byers who was in the Stop & Shop that day buying cooked chickens with his EBT card, but if you were to ask us if the source was John Byers, we couldn't prove to a court of law that the source was NOT John Byers!

So there you have it, Joe Viglione's dirty little secret is out. Joseph Viglione of 59 Garfield Ave (Disclaimer - this address was taken from his City Council petition request to speak before them - thank you Public Records Requests - we have not otherwise confirmed it) is a no-good egg-sucking pudding eater. Reports are coming from all over now, (and we haven't even hit the "send" button yet to publish this shocking news) of people being able to smell the Tapioca as they drive down Salem St with their windows open. The odor has been confirmed to be coming from Joe's house on Garfiled Ave, which feeds into Salem Street in the same manner that Joe Viglione feeds the pudding into his mouth. Wait a minute! Garfiled Ave? Isn't there a comic strip named Garfiled? Sure, he's that fat cat who eats anything, much like Joe Viglione is a fat human being who eats anything. There's another connection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a very real link between Joe Viglione and a pudding eating pussy! I smell a Pulitzer Prize here - oh wait, that's just the smell of chocolate pudding coming from Joe Viglione's house as he packs pudding into his pie-hole and packs on the pounds to his paunch!

Wow!!! No wonder they call him

Sunday, March 10, 2013

For Immediate Release! Wincam employee Joe Viglione admits to secretly censoring people while publicly fighting for their Free Speech rights

You heard it here first, ladies and gentlemen. Or to be more precise, you first read the proof on Joe Viglione's very own blog (that is if anyone actually does read the foolish thing) and then you read what it is proof of right here. Look what Joe has to say today on his blog

On June 12, 2013 Frank Pilleri signed an Agreement to stop badgering me on the internet.

Over SIXTY TWO VIOLATIONS OF THAT AGREEMENT HAPPENED ALMOST IMMEDIATELY. _______________________________ Incredibly, the police wouldn't hold Pilleri accountable for board member Arthur Alan Deluca's continued harassment of me, in violation of the Agreement.

Deluca, called a "lunatic" by Councilor Penta, told Johnny Byers he doesn't have to abide by the Agreement.

Deluca CERTAINLY DOES. Deluca is on the Board of Directors and Frank Pilleri signed an Agreement on behalf of the Board, the staff and the members of Medford Community Cablevision, Inc.

Which is exactly why I demanded the police drag Frank in to mediation and not Matthew Page Lieberman, which is who the police offered to bring in.

You see what I mean? Joe Viglione who claims TV3 censors people but should not be censoring people, actually went to the police and (so Joe alleges) made them force the TV3 President to sign an agreement to censor anyone and everyone associated with TV3 from exercising their Constitutional Free Speech First Ammendment Rights to criticize Joe (and keep in mind that Joe Viglione is a Public Figure, not a private individual) and say what they want about him. According to Joe, this applies not only to censoring these people on TV3, but also anywhere else in the World, whether it be at a City Council Meeting, in the newspapers, on the internet in blogs like these, they simply are forbidden to reveal the truth about Joe Viglione anywhere.

Whew! Good thing I don't belong to TV3!!!

Now how does The TV3 President have the abilty to tell all these private Medford residents, who are not employees of Tv3 what to do with their own private lives? Obviously he cannot. So since we know the TV3 President cannot do this, then what right do the Medford Police have to try to force him to do this? Just as obviously, they have no right to. Yet Joe Viglione claims the Medford police not only DO have the right to force people to give up their Constitutional Free Speech First Ammendment Rights, but that the Medford police actually did this vile & disgusting thing upon Joe's insistance! Yes, that whacked out megalomaniac Joseph Viglione claims that he controls the Medford Police.

Now of course this is all BULLSHIT, but the point is that Joe Viglione wants to censor everyone except himself!!! Joe Viglione wants to be the only one to be able to speak out against people but wants NO ONE to be able to speak out against him, not even to defend themselves against his cruel and vicious lies! Joe Viglione thinks about no one but Joe Viglione, Joe Viglione cares about no one but Joe Viglione.

No wonder they call him

Wincam employee Joe Viglione revealed to be Pinky Lee's bastard son

Incredible as it may sound, blood tests have revealed Joe Viglione to actually be the bastard son of old time comedian and kiddie show host Pinky Lee. Further, modern DNA techniques have absolutely, positively determined that his mother is actually Pinky Tuscadero. As a youth, behind his back, all the school kids ribbed little crewcut boy Joey Viglione, calling him the son of the Pink Panther. Unable to comfort Joe and alleviate his frustrations at being teased so, Joe's mother Pinky became a compulsive overeater until she tipped the scales at well over 300 pounds. This only worsened Joe's school experience when his classmates began taunting him with digs against his mother, calling her a pink elephant.

After Joe graduated from High School, he went on to college where he became easy prey to subversive political activists during a midnight screening of Pink Flamingos. Joe soon found himself to be a member of the Communist Party. Joe Viglione was now a card-carrying Pinko. Due to his father's refusal to acknowledge him as his son at this stage of his life, Joe Viglione developed an unnatural fondness for Tootsie Rolls as a means of winning acceptance from his father, Pinky Lee. This also explains Joe's fidgety mannerisms and the funny giggle in his throat. Not even soothing pink Pepto Bismol could help Joe's digestive tract.

Joe Viglione became a homeless person sleeping in back alleys of restraunts among the garbage cans. It is here where it is believed he contracted pinkeye; not to be confused with Popeye; the Sailor Man with the funny shaped body, who mutters incoherently to himself - no wait... that actually was Joe Viglione, who had assumed this persona in an attempt to hide his true parentage. By now, Joe Viglione was obviously suffering from ill health. He was not in the pink. Becoming addicted to Juice Bars and, feeling mocked by the over abundance of pink lightbulbs so prominently displayed at the local Walmart, Joe Viglione decided to end it all by downing massive quantities of pink lemonade in the belief that the acidic content would cause fatal hemmoraging to his abdomen. This would indeed have been the end of Joe Viglione had it not been for the quick thinking of the bartender, who called 911.

Joe Viglione was rushed to the Mount MeAnywayYouCan Regional Hospital & VD Clinic where he had his stomach pumped and survived. He was remanded to the custody of the Sunkist Baptist Church and forcibly enrolled in their twelve Step recovery program where he remained until they mistakenly put a pink grapefruit on his breakfast tray as the fruit of the day. Feeling unjustly mocked, Joe swore eternal hatred and revenge on the Baptist Church; a vengeance he carries on to this very day. How and why Joe Viglione came to move to Medford Massachusetts (Gehsundheit) remains a mystery but it's been rumored that he discovered Medford had no Village Idiot and felt he was the best qualified for the position.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Information on Wincam employee Joe Viglione's Battery of Lawyers revealed

This just in

We have been just been sent by bonded currier an envelope containing the whereabouts of Joe Viglione's "battery of lawyers" that he's always talking about. They can be found at the following link:


On this webpage you will find the following information...

Medford Massachusetts Discrimination : feed results


Medford Ma Discrimination Lawyers Law Firms Lawyer Directory - find discrimination law attorneys in medford massachusetts with contact overview practice areas publications lawyers bio social networks videos and more
Commonwealth Of Massachusetts - commonwealth of massachusetts commission against discrimination steven gray complainant v The Commonwealth Of Massachusetts - respondent medford public schools is an employer located in medford massachusetts discrimination when it wrongfully failed to provide her with the reasonable
Discrimination Lawyers In Massachusetts Findattorneyorlawyer Com - massachusetts discrimination lawyers barnstable county ma barnstable ma brewster ma west medford ma west newton ma west townsend ma westford ma weston ma
Massachusetts Discrimination Attorneys Com - massachusetts discrimination lawyers can handle all aspects of your discrimination lawsuit medford methuen new bedford peabody pittsfield plymouth quincy revere

That's correct people, Joe Viglione, sometimes referred to as The Village Idiot has beeen using search engines for the past Ten Years in an attempt to find someone to file his infamous Class Action Lawsuit. The reason he's been interviewing so many attorneys is not because he's searching for the best attorney. No, the reason is because Joe Viglione cannot find an attorney willing to take the case. As soon as they read the Cable contracts and find that they clearly state there are no third party beneficiaries to this contract they drop Joe as a client quicker than JoJo Laine went down those stairs!

File this under Case Closed

This just in - Wincam employee Joe Viglione is NOT Gay!!!

- Breaking story -

Word on the street is that Joespeh Viglione is NOT GAY!! Allegedly acording to homosexuals in the know, Joe Viglione is only FAKING IT to reap the benefits of "protected status" in discrimination lawsuits and the like. Now we're not going to tell you which street this alleged information comes from, but it is allegedly believed to be from an allegedly reliable source of alleged great standing in the Gay Community who allegedly has some sort of alleged secretly aquired documents.

We're not talking any alleged Freedom of Information Act Requests or Public Records Requests, but alleged documents of an allegedly altogether different and allegedly personal nature. This is allegedly the big stuff. It is alleged that members of the Gay Community who have allegedly seen these alleged documents are allegedly stunned beyond belief - it is that unbelievable! When asked to comment on this, one person allegedly said "I've known it for years, but I was sworn to secrecy. It pretty much was accepted unspoken knowledge in several certain Nightspots anyhow. You should have seen how those in the know would point and laugh behind Joe's back when he sashayed by. He wasn't really fooling anyone who was on the ball. It's actually a non-story really. He's just the Village Idiot I don't know why people continue to eat up this nonsense. Just forget it and report on some real news, like why Bob Penta has been so homophobic for so many years. There's an untold story there that needs to be uncovered."

Well this alleged person's alleged opinions notwithstanding, we here at Information Central Medford believe this to be a HUGE alleged story, a story for the ages, one that simply will not go away! We are allegedly awaiting the alleged delivery of alleged documents with more alleged details which we will allegedly publish right here as soon as we allegedly get the alleged permission to allegedly reveal these allegations.

Remember... You Heard It Here First


Friday, March 8, 2013

Wincam employee Joe Viglione to address City Council yet again

See, I told you so. Joe Viglione will in fact be giving his point by point analysis of the Mayor's State of the City Speech at Tuesday's City Councl meeting. Please note the Council Agenda item slated for next Tuesday. This information comes to us through the courtesy Of City Clerk Ed Finn and a Public Records Request (handy little things those PRR's - one can learn so much through them).

13-298- Petition by Joseph Viglione, 59 Garfield Avenue to address the Council on Councillor Dello Russo’s statement from February 26, 2013 and the Mayor’s State of the City Speech.

Yes, I know what you're thinking "Big whoop! We already knew this. Tell us something we didn't know!" Sure thing, folks. What we haven't previously known is that Joe Viglione is going to speak about Councilor Dello Russo's statement of last week. First off, we learn from Joe's request that he's not savvy enough to know how to make a proper request. Joe, each petition you make carries a ten minute time limit per petition - not per item on the petition. You will have ten minutes total to talk. You should have submitted two petitions, one for each topic. Oh well... at least your loss (the loss of ten minutes to speak) will be our gain; we will save ourselves from hearing ten more minutes of your foolishness.

What Fred Dello Russo said last week that Joe Viglione wants to respond to is the comment that Public Access television is largely obsolete and not worth wasting the Council's or the City's time on (my paraphrasing). Now of course these are "fighting words" to Joe Viglione - eveyone knows Public Access is Joe's lifeblood. How can he be an "award winning Public Access producer" if there is no Public Access to give him an award? Hey Joe, come into the 21st Century. Wake up and smell the mold - that moldy smell Public Access rotting and mouldering away with one foot in the obsoletion grave and the other in a puddle of stagnant water.

Joe, everyone but you knows that all of PEG is going away at the end of this contract. What do you think "Project Open Voice" is all about? It's not about bringing Public Access to those cities that don't have a proper one. It's about replacing all of PEG all over the country! Didn't you see the announcement by Comcast giving the end date of this "test period"? Didn't you notice that this ending date for the "test" just about exactly coincides with the end of Comcast's current contract with the City of Medford? You think that's a coincidence? Now, unless you really are The Village Idiot you know that after a test period ends, the item tested upon will go into production. For Comcast that means at the end of the "test period" Project Open Voice will be in place in every single City & Town that Comcast serves.

Once this happens, as each PEG contract comes to an end, it will not be renewed. The Cities & Towns will then all be free to take the 5% franchise fees and put them into their respective fund accounts. Remember, the franchise fee is the fee the Cable Company pays to obtain the franchise. It only has to go to PEG if the City/Town decides to have PEG. If they don't want to provide PEG that money is for them and them alone. PEG is dying and with it, your Visual Radio program will disappear from TV screens all across this land. Sure, you can still put it on Project Open Voice, but with all the PEG stations gone, where are you going to get the camera from to shoot it? Where are you going to get the editing equipment from to edit it? The PEG stations will just chuck their old equipment, no longer having any use for it. Maybe if you save up your pennies, one of the PEG stations will sell you some of it cheap. But don't expect to get that deal from Public Access here in Medford. My understanding is that with all their equipment flooded, short circuited and moldy (as you have been frequently reporting), they're just going to pack it all up in a truck and bring it to the dump!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Wincam employee Joe Viglione continues to betray his readers

Yes it's absoluetly true. Joe's first blog entry of the morning reads

Point by Point Discussion of Michael McGlynn's State of the City Address

Coming Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A point-by-point rebuttal of McGlynn's crazy speech given Wednesday, March 6.

Well if this rebuttal is so important that you feel the need to inform us all one week in advance that you''re going to give it next week, shouldn't you be telling us something about it now? And why a week from now... does it really take you a week to figure out what to say - are you that slow on the uptake? Or could it possibly be your massive ego at work again? Could it be your pathetic need to feel important at play? I mean, you are planning to give it at the City Council meeting, aren't you Joe? Or is it just a co-incidence that March 12 happens to be the exact date of the next City Council meeting?

You see dear readers, Joe Viglione isn't giving his point-by-point out of civic duty, out of the consciencious desire to help his fellow human beings, out of altruism to enrich the lives of you and me. OH, NO... Joe Viglione is going to give this little "discussion" out of his own selfish need to grandstand to make himself the center of attention! Joe Viglione doesn't care about any of us beyond his caring that we pay attention to him. Joe Viglione will do anything to get himself on television... and I do mean anything! Just look at what a complete and utter jackass he's made of himself for the last twenty years!

Did you know that Joe Viglione once filed a harrassment complaint against someone, claiming they sent him a harrassing subscription to Weight Watchers Magazine? Hmmm... let me think... and help me out on this one people if I'm wrong on this point; but whenever I've seen a subscription form in a magazine, I've seen boxes for "one year", "two years'", "first class", "magazine rate", "gift", but I do not EVER recall seeing a box marked "harrassing". Have any of you seen one? No, I think we can safely say to take Joe Viglione's Harrassment Complaint and file it under

Village Idiot!

Joe Viglione is so starved for attention that he will take any attention at all. He's even happy that this blog exists. Joe Viglione NEEDS this blog to exist to validate his own existance. So this blog and the others like it are actually doing Joe a favor. They are actually being kind to him by blogging about him. As much as Joe Viglione says he wants them taken down, as much as Joe Viglione mediates with the police to have them taken down, as much as Joe Viglione threatens to sue and file charges to have them taken down, the truth is that Joe Vigione does not want these blogs taken down. We understand Joe, it's tough to be so lonely. But we'll make you happy, Joe, rest assured in the confidence and security that we'll keep blogging about you to keep you happy for many, many, MANY years to come. Medford takes care of its own, Joe. Be seeing you!

Scared little Bunny Wincam employee Joe Viglione pulls down another blog entry!

Yes, that's right people, the big brave crusading Journalist Joe Viglione, the man who'll let NOTHING stop him from bringing you the TRUTH, the man who has stood up to multiple death threats, the man who has withstood the savage bullying of his "harrassers" for "over ten years", is shaking in his booties right now because he's just had to take down the following blog entry from February 27th this year:


Yes, this "fearless man" is fearful... VERY FEARFUL in fact, that what he has written in that blog entry will subject him to prosecution by the police. And so this "hero for our times" pulls down this allegedly incriminating evidence like a scared little thing; this great man who always has to do the "heavy lifting" has no desire to lift that heavy hammer on the rock pile of the State Penitentiary. No, Joe Viglione is proud and happy to stand up for your rights and mine... except when it will put him in actual danger, except when he even thinks that it might even possibly put him in the local pokey.

No, then the Great and Powerful Joe Viglione runs away like he coward he is. For the truth of the matter is that the "Man Behind the Curtain" has been exposed as just a big bully; and like all bullies, he's a coward who is just so scared of everything and everyone that he tries to hide that fact by acting the bully. Poor little, frightened Joe Vig! And what is he frightened of today? What was the contents of that blog entry that he took down this morning, you ask? Well I guess you'll just have to file a Public Records Request like I did to find out for yourself. Or better yet, drop by the Medford Police Station and ask them, since they have a file of all the blog entries that Joe has posted.

Of course, they won't share them with just anyone, only those who have a need to know or are otherwise directly involved. So while they won't share this blog entry with you or I, they in all liklihood WILL share it with the Citizen Of The Year whom Joe has written about. And who is this person? That's an easy one to find. Just look in The Medford Transcript for the answer to that. Oh, and isn't there a ceremony that goes along with that honor? Do you think maybe it's been taped and runs of the Educational Access Channel of Medford? Hmm... could be.

Befuddled Wincam employee Joe Viglione can't figure out why 1/2 the City Council didn't show up at the mayor's Address

On his own blog last night, Joe Viglione wrote "Conspicuous in their absence were School Committee person Bob Skerry, and Councilors Penta, Lungo Koehn and Michael Marks." But earlier on in that very same blog posting Joe also wrote "the Century Bank had another Chamber of Commerce event on the same evening, March 6th, of great importance to the Medford Community. Co-hosted by State Senator Pat Jehlen, the "Transportation Finance Forum held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. featured Department of Transportation Secretary Richard Davey presenting“The Way Forward: A 21st Century Transportation Plan” " - Gee Joe... you think there might be a connection?

Well if you weren't MIA at Tuesday's City Council meeting, you would have heard Bob Penta mention the conflicting meetings. You'd have heard him mention that since the meeting would be talking in part about the planned maintenence of the Cradock Bridge and since Bob Penta has been very active and interested in this topic on the City's behalf for quite some time, that he would be going to this meeting instead. Let's see now, two very important meetings on the same night and seven City Councilors. How to go to both??? Well if Joe Viglione were a Math Man, he'd easily be able to figure out that when dealing with living beings, the closest to a fair split would be three to one meeting and four to another. Wouldn't do to split one councilor in half for a fifty/fifty split, would it, Joe? Although word on the street, and word from the "inner circle" at Carrol's Almost-Diner (where one can always get a free meal if they have the right connections) has it that there IS one City Councilor who you would like to see split in half. Seems he's recently had his own split already - his split from you that is, Joe!!!

Oh, and people, where was Joe Tuesday night when he was AWOL from the City Council Meeting? The answer can be found on Joe's very own blog. To quote Joe from it...

"SIDE NOTE: Last night at the critics' screening of THE GREAT & POWERFUL OZ there was a lady in a wheelchair staring across the room. Our eyes met. Then I had to get my cellphone (this new Disney movie was the first screening where even we critics had to give our cellphones to security throughought the movie; security telling me I was one of the nicer critics because I didn't complain about it like others did. Score one for the good guy!)"

That's right people, Joe Viglione the "crusading journalist" who cares so much about the community and selflessly devotes all his time to covering what he calls the "dirty, filthy politics of Medford" went to a movie instead of covering the Medford City Council. Such devotion. And why did he go to the movie instead of the City Council meeting folks? Two reasons:
reason #1 - It was FREE
reason #2 - to feed his own ego

My proof of this is part two of the quote from the very same blog entry Joe Viglione made. As follows:

"So leaving the theater after getting my phone I flung open the doors downstairs at the Fenway Regal theater and regally yelled out "I AM OZ...the Great and Powerful...." A woman on the street started laughing...it was the woman in the wheelchair from upstairs...she yelled back "YOU CERTAINLY ARE." It was pretty funny...."

There's that ego again! And in case you didn't know it, critics don't pay to go to a critic's screening. Of course I suppose there is a third reason Joe went... this is a DISNEY MOVIE Joe went to, a Disney fantasy movie to be precise. You all remember the opening from the old Disneyland TV show don't you folks? It starts with the Disney castle, Tinkerbell flies out from it onto the screen, the screen does a fade to a four quadrant split of Disney's themes. Then the narrator lists the themes as Tinkerbell dresses and mimes along with the theme listings. The order of the listing of the themes changes, but consistantly, the last theme listed is the theme of that night's show. So for the movie Joe went to see instead of going to the City Council Meeting, the narrator would have announced

Fantasy Land... the happiest land of all!"

And this is the MAIN REASON Joe went to the movies instead of the City Council meeting, folks.

Joe Viglione lives in Fantasy Land

I'm sure once you think about it, you'll have to agree with me on this one because Joe Viglione sure in Hell doesn't live in the real world!

For Immediate Release!!! Wincam employee Joe Viglione super jealous of Mayor Mike McGlynn's extreme popularity!!!!

Yes, that's right boys & girls of all ages; the "World famous producer" who's won a "prestigious award" and "does all the heavy lifting" is actually insanely jealous of Michael McGlynn's popularity and the fact that Mayor McGlynn is so well-loved while All Joe can claim in his camp is John Byers, the "mayoral candidate" who is actually the one who gives Joe all his tips. yes, this is the same John Byers who Joe alternately refers to as "special needs" and "mentally challenged".

So Joe, you're relying on the word of one who you admit to being mentally challenged, as being a reliable source of information? You're relying on the word of a man who recommended the City Council look into using pickle juice instead of salt to treat Medford's roads when it snows? So tell me Joe, does John also advocate the use of deli-sliced salami to use as tire patches? Has he suggested using Cole Slaw to to fill in the City Streets' potholes? Has he told you yet that you're full of baloney? Just wondering?

And the other reason Joe Viglione is so jealous of the Mayor is that the Mayor can call for a press conference or State of the City address and get face time on the PEG channels, while Joe cannot. Well Joe, if you hadn't converted a camera from MCC and gotten banned for it, you'd be able to have your face time too. The Mayor isn't keeping you off of Public Access, your own greed, ego and stupidity is keeping you off of Public Access in Medford.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Wincam employee Joe Viglione's giant ego

Today Joe Viglione is being "helpful" to the Mayor of Medford by scouting around town and finding what he deems are "suitable" locations for a "new" Public Access station for the City of Medford. It just so happens that EVERY ONE of these "suitable locations" happens to be in his own neighborhood, a mere "stone's throw" from 59 Garfield Ave where he allegedly currently resides. No Conflict of Interest there! Gee Joe, what's it like to have an ego way bigger than your penis?