Saturday, March 9, 2013

This just in - Wincam employee Joe Viglione is NOT Gay!!!

- Breaking story -

Word on the street is that Joespeh Viglione is NOT GAY!! Allegedly acording to homosexuals in the know, Joe Viglione is only FAKING IT to reap the benefits of "protected status" in discrimination lawsuits and the like. Now we're not going to tell you which street this alleged information comes from, but it is allegedly believed to be from an allegedly reliable source of alleged great standing in the Gay Community who allegedly has some sort of alleged secretly aquired documents.

We're not talking any alleged Freedom of Information Act Requests or Public Records Requests, but alleged documents of an allegedly altogether different and allegedly personal nature. This is allegedly the big stuff. It is alleged that members of the Gay Community who have allegedly seen these alleged documents are allegedly stunned beyond belief - it is that unbelievable! When asked to comment on this, one person allegedly said "I've known it for years, but I was sworn to secrecy. It pretty much was accepted unspoken knowledge in several certain Nightspots anyhow. You should have seen how those in the know would point and laugh behind Joe's back when he sashayed by. He wasn't really fooling anyone who was on the ball. It's actually a non-story really. He's just the Village Idiot I don't know why people continue to eat up this nonsense. Just forget it and report on some real news, like why Bob Penta has been so homophobic for so many years. There's an untold story there that needs to be uncovered."

Well this alleged person's alleged opinions notwithstanding, we here at Information Central Medford believe this to be a HUGE alleged story, a story for the ages, one that simply will not go away! We are allegedly awaiting the alleged delivery of alleged documents with more alleged details which we will allegedly publish right here as soon as we allegedly get the alleged permission to allegedly reveal these allegations.

Remember... You Heard It Here First


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