Thursday, March 7, 2013

Wincam employee Joe Viglione continues to betray his readers

Yes it's absoluetly true. Joe's first blog entry of the morning reads

Point by Point Discussion of Michael McGlynn's State of the City Address

Coming Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A point-by-point rebuttal of McGlynn's crazy speech given Wednesday, March 6.

Well if this rebuttal is so important that you feel the need to inform us all one week in advance that you''re going to give it next week, shouldn't you be telling us something about it now? And why a week from now... does it really take you a week to figure out what to say - are you that slow on the uptake? Or could it possibly be your massive ego at work again? Could it be your pathetic need to feel important at play? I mean, you are planning to give it at the City Council meeting, aren't you Joe? Or is it just a co-incidence that March 12 happens to be the exact date of the next City Council meeting?

You see dear readers, Joe Viglione isn't giving his point-by-point out of civic duty, out of the consciencious desire to help his fellow human beings, out of altruism to enrich the lives of you and me. OH, NO... Joe Viglione is going to give this little "discussion" out of his own selfish need to grandstand to make himself the center of attention! Joe Viglione doesn't care about any of us beyond his caring that we pay attention to him. Joe Viglione will do anything to get himself on television... and I do mean anything! Just look at what a complete and utter jackass he's made of himself for the last twenty years!

Did you know that Joe Viglione once filed a harrassment complaint against someone, claiming they sent him a harrassing subscription to Weight Watchers Magazine? Hmmm... let me think... and help me out on this one people if I'm wrong on this point; but whenever I've seen a subscription form in a magazine, I've seen boxes for "one year", "two years'", "first class", "magazine rate", "gift", but I do not EVER recall seeing a box marked "harrassing". Have any of you seen one? No, I think we can safely say to take Joe Viglione's Harrassment Complaint and file it under

Village Idiot!

Joe Viglione is so starved for attention that he will take any attention at all. He's even happy that this blog exists. Joe Viglione NEEDS this blog to exist to validate his own existance. So this blog and the others like it are actually doing Joe a favor. They are actually being kind to him by blogging about him. As much as Joe Viglione says he wants them taken down, as much as Joe Viglione mediates with the police to have them taken down, as much as Joe Viglione threatens to sue and file charges to have them taken down, the truth is that Joe Vigione does not want these blogs taken down. We understand Joe, it's tough to be so lonely. But we'll make you happy, Joe, rest assured in the confidence and security that we'll keep blogging about you to keep you happy for many, many, MANY years to come. Medford takes care of its own, Joe. Be seeing you!

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