Saturday, March 16, 2013

Another Medford Patch post against Joe Viglione's Lies

We have just read on Joe Viglione's Blog of another post against his lies that he has had removed from The Medford Patch. So naturally we went to the Patch Archives and retrieved that post, presenting it here. If Joe Viglione does not want you to read it, WE DO.

Arthur DeLuca

10:08 am on Saturday, March 16, 2013

Medford Patch Editor - most of the "facts" in this article aren't facts at all, but twisted untruths aimed at defaming people and their reputations. The Medford Patch should remove this article as it violates the Patch's terms of use. Patch editor, please remove this article or allow me to post a counter article citing the docket numbers of defamation lawsuits our corporation has won against this individual, along with the details of their findings. All you really need to do to determine the true mindset of this individual in writing this article, is to visit his blogspot at the link he has provided above. Upon reading it you will see for yourself what a hateful, bitter individual he is. I am sure you will then agree this article needs to come down. If required of you, I can provide you with documentation of the lawsuits we won against Mr Viglione. This man even filed a criminal complaint against me claiming a dead raccoon he found under his porch was put there by me because my Tv3 character is named Doctor Rabies and raccoons are known to sometimes have rabies. The magistrate dismissed the complaint without having the case go to court. Mr Viglione will most likely tell you I am in violation of a police mediation agreement by writing this. This is also untrue. Should he make this claim, please contact John McLean of the Medford Police department's Cyber Crimes unit and he will verify that I am in violation of nothing.

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