Thursday, March 7, 2013

For Immediate Release!!! Wincam employee Joe Viglione super jealous of Mayor Mike McGlynn's extreme popularity!!!!

Yes, that's right boys & girls of all ages; the "World famous producer" who's won a "prestigious award" and "does all the heavy lifting" is actually insanely jealous of Michael McGlynn's popularity and the fact that Mayor McGlynn is so well-loved while All Joe can claim in his camp is John Byers, the "mayoral candidate" who is actually the one who gives Joe all his tips. yes, this is the same John Byers who Joe alternately refers to as "special needs" and "mentally challenged".

So Joe, you're relying on the word of one who you admit to being mentally challenged, as being a reliable source of information? You're relying on the word of a man who recommended the City Council look into using pickle juice instead of salt to treat Medford's roads when it snows? So tell me Joe, does John also advocate the use of deli-sliced salami to use as tire patches? Has he suggested using Cole Slaw to to fill in the City Streets' potholes? Has he told you yet that you're full of baloney? Just wondering?

And the other reason Joe Viglione is so jealous of the Mayor is that the Mayor can call for a press conference or State of the City address and get face time on the PEG channels, while Joe cannot. Well Joe, if you hadn't converted a camera from MCC and gotten banned for it, you'd be able to have your face time too. The Mayor isn't keeping you off of Public Access, your own greed, ego and stupidity is keeping you off of Public Access in Medford.

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