Friday, March 15, 2013

Open to debate - is this Wincam employee Joe Viglione?

Two more deleted Medford Patch posts; the only two by this poster. These are the posts that started the flurry on the Medford Patch Wednesday.


5:21 am on Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Mayor McGlynn is a dirty nasty closet fag. He's corrupt to the core you can smell the stench of crap and dirty dealings on this piece of sh"" a mile a away. The entire system in Medford is like a foul apple on the outside it may look alright but scratch the service and see the disgusting corrupt to the core scum that run this place.


5:13 pm on Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Mayor McGlynn is under investigation by the Feds and it won't take long before this whole corrupt to the core house of cards falls and all his cronies and dirty nasty corrupt scum are brought before justice. This guy thinks he is immune to stealing taxpayers' money and hiring family and friends to the point where he's throwing cash at whoever he feels like. This is what happens when you have a piece of sh"" like this in office too long a guy like this is nothing but walking con artist.

The times showing here are when the posts were 'deleted' not when they were posted. According to Joe Viglione's blog entry of 11:07 AM Wednesday, this second Medford Patch posting was made at 5:24 AM that day. In his blog post, Joe has the following to say about the Patch post


We have no idea who that person is, but we responded.

Below is Joe Viglione's now-deleted Patch response to the above now-deleted Patch post

Joe Viglione

5:14 pm on Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Stopcorruption, those are some pretty heavy allegations. So far the McGlynn Machine has insulated itself. McGlynn does think he's immune with the family and friends being hired. It's a powerful regime with family members a brother-in-law or two who seem to do his bidding, a powerful brother, the powerful Attorney General. Look at the P/E/G monies if you want to see a total abuse of power. McGlynn on television with a Waste Management commercial running non-stop at election time. Did you notice that We Are The World plays on the access channel AND during the Beauty Pageant "State of the City" address. It's McGlynn's theme song for "election 2013", yet in the Boston Herald, McGlynn had his praises sung by none other than Joe Fitzgerald, the gay basher. Just look up Joe Fitzgerald on Google...a resident told me to do that and it is chilling. Some of this information comes from other sources, I'm just not quoting them to protect those courageous enough to take a stand and send information out. Thanks for your comment, STOP CORRUPTION but you're going a little over the top. Tone down the harshness and state your case. We need a new Mayor in the city of Medford.

Hey Joe, I think I know who this other poster is. He's the personality in your body who emerges when your body first wakes up. Then later on in the morning, perhaps after a failed bowel movement or two, you get even nastier and your Joe Viglione personality emerges. I know it's just a theory, but based on information and belief, you are getting a Social Security Disability check for Multiple Personality Disorder, so this theory has some validity to it to back it up. This theory also fits into your being
The Village Idiot
. Obviously that is another one of your personalities. Let's see now... since Social Security is a Government office, I wonder how much information one can obtain from them by sending in a Public Records Request or a Freedom of Information Act request?

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