Thursday, March 14, 2013

A deleted rebuttal to Joe Viglione's deleted Medford Patch posts

Searching through the melee that happened on the Medford Patch yesterday, going through the archive of deleted posts that the Patch keeps, I found this one that should be shared. It shows what a Slimy Liar Joe Viglione really is. While it's impossible to be able to match this post up to the post it's a replay to with absolute certainty, the meaning is not lost by the lack of association to the original post.

Arthur DeLuca

5:25 pm on Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Time to tell the truth about "the straw" Joe. You told John Byers that mayoral candidate Tony D'Antonio told you he won the coin toss but McGlynn bitched & whined that he wanted to pick. Then you had John Byers tell the story to Ziggy Bush on a live phone call to TV3 . Then you "reported" on your blog that you heard the informatiion on Ziggy's show. YOU PLANTED THAT FALSE STORY JOE! When John first told it, he claimed that Tony won to conclude first, but Mike wanted it. I pointed out to John that the one who goes LAST has the advantage, so no way would Mike want to go first. Then John changed his story to Mike wanting to go last. This lie paints Tony D'Antonio as a wimp for not breaking the story himself (if it were true, which it is not). So Tony knew this, said nothing during campaign time and then decides to let John Byers (his other political opponent) break the story for him AFTER the election is over? Is that what you expect us to believe? Get real!

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