Sunday, March 10, 2013

For Immediate Release! Wincam employee Joe Viglione admits to secretly censoring people while publicly fighting for their Free Speech rights

You heard it here first, ladies and gentlemen. Or to be more precise, you first read the proof on Joe Viglione's very own blog (that is if anyone actually does read the foolish thing) and then you read what it is proof of right here. Look what Joe has to say today on his blog

On June 12, 2013 Frank Pilleri signed an Agreement to stop badgering me on the internet.

Over SIXTY TWO VIOLATIONS OF THAT AGREEMENT HAPPENED ALMOST IMMEDIATELY. _______________________________ Incredibly, the police wouldn't hold Pilleri accountable for board member Arthur Alan Deluca's continued harassment of me, in violation of the Agreement.

Deluca, called a "lunatic" by Councilor Penta, told Johnny Byers he doesn't have to abide by the Agreement.

Deluca CERTAINLY DOES. Deluca is on the Board of Directors and Frank Pilleri signed an Agreement on behalf of the Board, the staff and the members of Medford Community Cablevision, Inc.

Which is exactly why I demanded the police drag Frank in to mediation and not Matthew Page Lieberman, which is who the police offered to bring in.

You see what I mean? Joe Viglione who claims TV3 censors people but should not be censoring people, actually went to the police and (so Joe alleges) made them force the TV3 President to sign an agreement to censor anyone and everyone associated with TV3 from exercising their Constitutional Free Speech First Ammendment Rights to criticize Joe (and keep in mind that Joe Viglione is a Public Figure, not a private individual) and say what they want about him. According to Joe, this applies not only to censoring these people on TV3, but also anywhere else in the World, whether it be at a City Council Meeting, in the newspapers, on the internet in blogs like these, they simply are forbidden to reveal the truth about Joe Viglione anywhere.

Whew! Good thing I don't belong to TV3!!!

Now how does The TV3 President have the abilty to tell all these private Medford residents, who are not employees of Tv3 what to do with their own private lives? Obviously he cannot. So since we know the TV3 President cannot do this, then what right do the Medford Police have to try to force him to do this? Just as obviously, they have no right to. Yet Joe Viglione claims the Medford police not only DO have the right to force people to give up their Constitutional Free Speech First Ammendment Rights, but that the Medford police actually did this vile & disgusting thing upon Joe's insistance! Yes, that whacked out megalomaniac Joseph Viglione claims that he controls the Medford Police.

Now of course this is all BULLSHIT, but the point is that Joe Viglione wants to censor everyone except himself!!! Joe Viglione wants to be the only one to be able to speak out against people but wants NO ONE to be able to speak out against him, not even to defend themselves against his cruel and vicious lies! Joe Viglione thinks about no one but Joe Viglione, Joe Viglione cares about no one but Joe Viglione.

No wonder they call him

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