Saturday, March 16, 2013

Wincam employee Joe Viglione in process of creating Unfactual "factual" article on Public Access TV

Even as we type these words, Joe Viglione is typing his own inaccurate unfactual words. here is a portion of what Mr Viglione is writing on his blogspot.


You pay millions of dollars for P/E/G. 1.7 million for the three P/E/G channels in 2010 and 2011 according to the Medford Transcript.

First off, Tv3 Medford was open in December. It was not until January when they were closed, excluding the traditional Christmas Week when most access stations (such as Malden Ma) are closed to allow their emploees and members to spend time with their families and loved ones. That still leaves three weeks in December when Public Access was open.

Further, The Medford Transcript reported the $1.7 million as the total take of the Percentage Franchise Fee for those two years. Of this fee only two-fifths goes to the access channels (1/5th for public access, 1/5th for educational access with the government access channel taking nothing). The remaining sixty percent of that 1.7 million goes into the City's General Fund per the passing of a home rule petition, submitted by the Ciy Council under the Plan E form of government and approved by the State years before Mike McGlynn took office as the Mayor of Medford. Mayor McGlynn has nothing to do with the taking of sixty percent of the franchise fee for the City. And Mr Viglione knows this since he has been told so many, many times. City Councilor Michael Marks has stated so before the cameras on several occasions during Council meeting discussions. Yet Joe Viglione continues to state this falsehood. Perhaps Mr Viglione should file a public records request to get the names of the City Councilors who sponsored the home rule petition as well as obtaining a list of which Councilors voted for it and which voted against it. If the sixty percent were not going to the general Fund, that money would have to be made up by we the taxpayers, in the form of increased property taxes. So Mr & Mrs Medford, the question is, do you want to pay an extra $540,000 annually so that Joe Viglione and the members of Tv3 Medford can have a bigger sandbox to play in? I think not. For Joe Viglione to think that you would, he must be
The Village Idiot

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