Thursday, March 7, 2013

Befuddled Wincam employee Joe Viglione can't figure out why 1/2 the City Council didn't show up at the mayor's Address

On his own blog last night, Joe Viglione wrote "Conspicuous in their absence were School Committee person Bob Skerry, and Councilors Penta, Lungo Koehn and Michael Marks." But earlier on in that very same blog posting Joe also wrote "the Century Bank had another Chamber of Commerce event on the same evening, March 6th, of great importance to the Medford Community. Co-hosted by State Senator Pat Jehlen, the "Transportation Finance Forum held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. featured Department of Transportation Secretary Richard Davey presenting“The Way Forward: A 21st Century Transportation Plan” " - Gee Joe... you think there might be a connection?

Well if you weren't MIA at Tuesday's City Council meeting, you would have heard Bob Penta mention the conflicting meetings. You'd have heard him mention that since the meeting would be talking in part about the planned maintenence of the Cradock Bridge and since Bob Penta has been very active and interested in this topic on the City's behalf for quite some time, that he would be going to this meeting instead. Let's see now, two very important meetings on the same night and seven City Councilors. How to go to both??? Well if Joe Viglione were a Math Man, he'd easily be able to figure out that when dealing with living beings, the closest to a fair split would be three to one meeting and four to another. Wouldn't do to split one councilor in half for a fifty/fifty split, would it, Joe? Although word on the street, and word from the "inner circle" at Carrol's Almost-Diner (where one can always get a free meal if they have the right connections) has it that there IS one City Councilor who you would like to see split in half. Seems he's recently had his own split already - his split from you that is, Joe!!!

Oh, and people, where was Joe Tuesday night when he was AWOL from the City Council Meeting? The answer can be found on Joe's very own blog. To quote Joe from it...

"SIDE NOTE: Last night at the critics' screening of THE GREAT & POWERFUL OZ there was a lady in a wheelchair staring across the room. Our eyes met. Then I had to get my cellphone (this new Disney movie was the first screening where even we critics had to give our cellphones to security throughought the movie; security telling me I was one of the nicer critics because I didn't complain about it like others did. Score one for the good guy!)"

That's right people, Joe Viglione the "crusading journalist" who cares so much about the community and selflessly devotes all his time to covering what he calls the "dirty, filthy politics of Medford" went to a movie instead of covering the Medford City Council. Such devotion. And why did he go to the movie instead of the City Council meeting folks? Two reasons:
reason #1 - It was FREE
reason #2 - to feed his own ego

My proof of this is part two of the quote from the very same blog entry Joe Viglione made. As follows:

"So leaving the theater after getting my phone I flung open the doors downstairs at the Fenway Regal theater and regally yelled out "I AM OZ...the Great and Powerful...." A woman on the street started was the woman in the wheelchair from upstairs...she yelled back "YOU CERTAINLY ARE." It was pretty funny...."

There's that ego again! And in case you didn't know it, critics don't pay to go to a critic's screening. Of course I suppose there is a third reason Joe went... this is a DISNEY MOVIE Joe went to, a Disney fantasy movie to be precise. You all remember the opening from the old Disneyland TV show don't you folks? It starts with the Disney castle, Tinkerbell flies out from it onto the screen, the screen does a fade to a four quadrant split of Disney's themes. Then the narrator lists the themes as Tinkerbell dresses and mimes along with the theme listings. The order of the listing of the themes changes, but consistantly, the last theme listed is the theme of that night's show. So for the movie Joe went to see instead of going to the City Council Meeting, the narrator would have announced

Fantasy Land... the happiest land of all!"

And this is the MAIN REASON Joe went to the movies instead of the City Council meeting, folks.

Joe Viglione lives in Fantasy Land

I'm sure once you think about it, you'll have to agree with me on this one because Joe Viglione sure in Hell doesn't live in the real world!

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