Thursday, March 7, 2013

Scared little Bunny Wincam employee Joe Viglione pulls down another blog entry!

Yes, that's right people, the big brave crusading Journalist Joe Viglione, the man who'll let NOTHING stop him from bringing you the TRUTH, the man who has stood up to multiple death threats, the man who has withstood the savage bullying of his "harrassers" for "over ten years", is shaking in his booties right now because he's just had to take down the following blog entry from February 27th this year:

Yes, this "fearless man" is fearful... VERY FEARFUL in fact, that what he has written in that blog entry will subject him to prosecution by the police. And so this "hero for our times" pulls down this allegedly incriminating evidence like a scared little thing; this great man who always has to do the "heavy lifting" has no desire to lift that heavy hammer on the rock pile of the State Penitentiary. No, Joe Viglione is proud and happy to stand up for your rights and mine... except when it will put him in actual danger, except when he even thinks that it might even possibly put him in the local pokey.

No, then the Great and Powerful Joe Viglione runs away like he coward he is. For the truth of the matter is that the "Man Behind the Curtain" has been exposed as just a big bully; and like all bullies, he's a coward who is just so scared of everything and everyone that he tries to hide that fact by acting the bully. Poor little, frightened Joe Vig! And what is he frightened of today? What was the contents of that blog entry that he took down this morning, you ask? Well I guess you'll just have to file a Public Records Request like I did to find out for yourself. Or better yet, drop by the Medford Police Station and ask them, since they have a file of all the blog entries that Joe has posted.

Of course, they won't share them with just anyone, only those who have a need to know or are otherwise directly involved. So while they won't share this blog entry with you or I, they in all liklihood WILL share it with the Citizen Of The Year whom Joe has written about. And who is this person? That's an easy one to find. Just look in The Medford Transcript for the answer to that. Oh, and isn't there a ceremony that goes along with that honor? Do you think maybe it's been taped and runs of the Educational Access Channel of Medford? Hmm... could be.

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