Friday, May 31, 2013

Wincam employee Public Liar Joe Viglione's brain can't process an entire letter at one sitting

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog today he writes:
This is a tiny part of a huge response to correspondence from a Government official in Boston today.
Oh boy!... we are going to be treated all weekend long to snippets of the writings of Joe Viglione. I'm practically pissing my pants in anticipation!

But why the delay in printing the whole thing at once, Joe? You used to be able to tell a decent sized lie at one sitting. Is your concentration faltering? Are you having trouble making up the entire letter all at once? Are you suffering from ADD? Do you have a lack of energy these days? Here's a hint..

Stop humping our studio front, Joe, and then you'll be able to focus your mental energies into writing an entire blog entry at one sitting.

Wincam employee Public Liar Joe Viglione has a history of harassing other people

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog last night he wrote:
McGlynn has been in office longer than anyone who is 26 years of age or younger. Think about how pathetic that is.
Well Joe... YOU'VE been harassing, bullying and suing people since longer than Mike McGlynn has been in office. Think of how pathetic that is!

Time for you to go Joe... to jail!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Wincam employee Public Liar Joe Viglione is in love with his own right hand

(no need to explain this one any further)

Wincam employee public liar Joe Viglione is intolerant of the First Ammendment

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog today he writes:
Racist comments by TV3 not punished by the Issuing Authority, McGlynn
The meaning is obviously clear; Joe Viglione believes that politicians (ie - the Government) should step in to interfere with someone's free speech right to promote racism. Hey Joe - check with the ACLU (that's American Civil Liberties Union - not Always Create Lies Universally). They will tell you that even Hate Speech is protected speech. Yet you believe that (who exactly at TV3 - you didn't say. You want the entire membership punished for the sins of one?) the Government should punish them.

My... you certainly are Un-American to go against the United States Constitution in such a shameful manner, aren't you, Joe?

Wincam employee public liar Joe Viglione believes the man he claims is a liar - Huh?

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog today he writes:
1)Jim Tuberosa said that the station manager gets 26K per year.
Hey Joe... Jim Tuberosa is the man you claim is a Boston resident who lies to everybody that he's a Medford resident. Well if you know he's a liar tnen why do you publish "facts" obviously made up by him as if you believe him?

Could it be because you are Insane?
Could it be because you are a Liar?
Or could it be because you are an Insane Liar?

C'mon Joe - fess up. Inquiring minds want to know!

Wincam employee public liar Joe Viglione makes allusions to his alcoholic friends

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog last night he wrote:
They looked like they got up off of the gutter after having a few beers and laying down in the doorway of the local liquor store like a bunch of derelicts.
Uhm, Joe... we hate to have to bring this up... but how would you know what that looks like? Is that where you go to meet your friends?

Wincam employee public liar Joe Viglione lies again

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog last night he wrote:
They use our monies, flip the bird to the community and are so nasty that the City Solicitor had to bring in a police detail on October 29, 2008.
Hey Joe... Tv3 wasn't at the Evaluation hearing on 10/29/08, so how could the City Solicitor bring in a police detail to protect people from people who weren't there?

But YOU were there, weren't you Joe? And guess what? You were there Tuesday night. In fact you were there the last three times the police were at the City Council meeting. And you were there the week before that, the week there were no police there - the week Bob Maiocco said he'd have to call the police to have you removed if you didn't stop disrupting the City Council meeting. You think maybe there's a connection?

Wincam employee public liar Joe Viglione is just plain WRONG

On Public Figure Joe Viglione's blog last night he wrote:
corporation that is NOT autonomous, it is a corporation that has the OVERSIGHT of the ISSUING AUTHORITY
Hey Joe... MCC's contract with the City states the issuing authority has the right to ask to see our books. You are not the issuing authority,Joe, therefor you do not have this right! Neither does Bob Penta or any of the Medford City Council.

you do not have any rights at TV3 Medford, Joe, because you have been banned for life! How's that feel today?

Wincam employee public liar Joe Viglione proves he has no sense of direction

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog last night he wrote:
According to Wikipedia, Kiss 108's signal is in Medford. According to Kiss 108's site, they are on Cabot Road in Medford
Hey Joe, do you know where Cabot Road in Medford is? Have you ever been to Cabot Road in Medford? There is no radio tower/transmitter on Cabot Road in Medford. Kiss 108's office/studio is not at the same location as their transmission tower & equipment. Most REAL TV stations do not have their tower at the same location as their studio & business offices. Many Tv stations legally cannot have them in the same place since the locations for their transmission towers are zoned differently from the locations for their business offices & studios.

You'd know this if you worked at a real TV station Joe. But you don't... you work at Wincam.

Wincam employee public liar Joe Viglione is constipated

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog last night he wrote:
Therefore, I hereby demand the following relief:
Hey Joe... if you want relief try taking an enema. If you don't want to do that then you can take this complaint and shove it up your ass instead!

Wincam employee public liar Joe Viglione proves he is legally insane

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog last night he wrote:
These hideous and unfair and/or deceptive acts or practices are, in my opinion, declared unlawful by Section 2 of Chapter 93A, They are only a portion of the deceptive activities and this initial letter does not cover all of the allegations. Other complaints will follow. As a result of this unfair or deceptive act or practice, I / We suffered injury or loss of money as follows:
Hey Joe... MGL section 2 chapter 93A is for businesses. MCC/TV3 is a public charity. This law does not apply to them. We've been through this before with past complaints you've filed.

You're not learning from your own mistakes, Joe. Don't you know that repeating the same activity over and over again but expecting different results is the legal definition of insanity?

Wincam employee public liar Joe Viglione still cannot understand the English language

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog last night he wrote:
On or about May 28, 2013 Ronald Delucia deceptively told the City Council the auditors found nothing wrong. This is a huge deception. The auditors weren't given the information and CLEARLY STATED THEY COULD MAKE NO OPINION.
Hey Joe... if the auditors couldn't make an opinion then they didn't state they found something wrong! Finding "something wrong" would be an opinion on the auditors part. Since they didn't render an opinion then they didn't say they found something wrong, which is what Ron DeLucia stated.

Gee Joe, you still can't understand the English langauge. Rather odd behavior for an alleged journalist, isn't it?

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

How to keep Wincam employee Public Liar Joe Viglione in suspense

We'll tell you tomorrow, Joe!

Wincam employee public liar Joe Viglione is afraid of the police. Why? What is he hiding from us?

Did any of you catch public figure Joe Viglione's less than stellar performance at last night's Medford City Council meeting? This was the Great Joe Viglione's Big Chance! City Councillor Bob Penta had on the Council agenda to discuss "the misleading statements made by MCC at last week's City Council meeting" Joe Viglione was "happier than a pig in shit," as the saying goes. He was blogging ever since last week at what he alleges were inaccuracies made by TV3 at that meeting. He was quoting "facts" (yeah - right) and statistics "proving" Tv3 had lied. Yeah - you know all about lying, don't you Joe?

The Big Night came, Joe Viglione was finally going to have his chance to shine in the firmament. Public figure Joe Viglione was going to finally give TV3 a "damn good thrashing" (metaphorically speaking, of course). The agenda item came up. Penta spoke. Frank Pilleri from TV3 spoke. Jeanne Martin spoke. Frank Pilleri spoke again. But where was Joe? Joe Viglione was busy in the back of the room typing away like a little school boy who was late in getting his homework done. And in the Council chambers around Joe Viglione were four Medford police officers, keeping their eyes on Joe Viglione. When the heat was on, when it counted most... Joe Viglione folded, he backed down. Finally he did get up to speak a few sentences - maybe spoke for almost a minute, if that - but all the false bravado public figure Joe Viglione had been expousing all week long on his blog faded away. Joe Viglione was afraid of spouting his lies up on the podium, up there in front of the Medford police. Joe was afraid of being arrested for the lies he had planned to tell about TV3.

It's not surprising really. Everyone knows that all bullies are great big cowards. Even John Byers knows Joe has no balls to do anything aggressive. John always tells people "Oh no, Joe would never do anything like that". In fact, based on information and belief, we have it on good authority that John Byers believes if you were to pull down Joe Viglione's pants (which would probably be on fire, since he's such a liar - see? I can rhyme too!) you would find a vagina between his legs. But that's just what we believe John Byers thinks. Frankly the thought of pulling down public lair Joe Viglione's pants is something that does not interest us in the slightest.

I guess you'll just have to go back to humping the Tv3 building front to get your sexual kicks, Joe.

Wincam Employee public liar Joe Viglone offers more foolishness on his blog just after midnight

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog just after Midnight he writes:
"TV3 took a huge hit tonight" John Byers watching on TV 12:15 AM
Hey Joe, you still reposting John Byer's imaginings? And just what "hit" was he talking about that he saw on TV at 12:15 AM? The City Council meeting ended around 9:30 PM. Was John watching a delayed broadcast replay that he'd recorded earlier? I thought Mr Byers is a mayoral candidate. What was more important for him to watch at 7PM that he had to tape the City Council meeting to watch later? was it a Sports program? Is this a sample of How John Byers would act as Mayor? Are his much beloved Sports programs going to remain his #1 priority, leaving City Matters to come later, when there's an open slot in his Sports viewing schedule?

Ladies & Gentlemen, I give you Credible Journalist Joe Viglione - the Man who takes his news tips form a "credible" source whom he believes to be mentally challenged (have you ever offered us proof of your negative opinion of John Byer's intelligence level?); a man who'll shares his opinions on how things should work, if he has the time between his sports programs.

Yup - you're a serious, respectible, credible Journalist Joe. Sure you are...really.

Wincam employee public liar Joe Viglione proves once again his inability to understand contracts and how Public Access TV works

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog yesterday he wrote:
Hey, Joe... reread the contract you obtained with your Public Records request. Nowhere in it is there a clause requiring Public Access TV to obtain the consent of the cable TV subscribers. Look at the beginning of the contract where the definitions are given. If you do, you'll see that MCC's users are NOT the cable TV subscribers OR the public. MCC is contracted to serve its membership.

And because we know you need to have it spelled out for you in order for you to understand... that does NOT include you, Joe becuase you are

Banned for LIFE for your refusal to return a camera belonging to MCC that you had in your possession for over TWO YEARS, in violation of your contractual membership agreeemnt with MCC.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Wincam employee public liar Joe Viglione is still listening to Special needs individual John Byer's made-up stories

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog today he writes:
Allegedly, Arthur Alan Deluca isn't even allowed to vote as a board member, and might even be getting additional pay to "program" the station along with alleged "free membership for life", Christmas bonus "Bomber jacket" (allegedly) and alleged free bus passes.

Hey Joe.... the lies John Byers tells you aren't allegations. They would need to have some level of credibility in order for them to be allegations. These are just straight lies John Byers is telling you because he's fearful of retaliation from you should he stop supplying you with "inside information."

Can't you tell the difference?

Wincam employee Joe Viglione makes references to his being caught masturbating in school as a teen

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog this morning he wrote:
Until he saw that my camera had zoomed in on his face, then he wiped that smile away like a naughty schoolboy caught with his pants down.
Clearly this is a reference to some time in public figure Joe Viglione's past when he was caught with his own pants down, satisfying his carnal urges. And since Joe's blog simile scenario includes the word "schoolboy", obviously this sexual embarrassment happened to Joe Viglione while in school.

Shame on you Joe - couldn't you have at least waited until you got home to masturbate in the privacy of your own bedroom?

Monday, May 27, 2013

Wincam employee Joe Viglione proves to be stalking all members of TV3 Medford - he needs to be fired for safety of Wincam's membership.

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog today he writes:
c)bring all personal information TV3 requests of the members, drivers license, passport, mailing information
This is in reference to a line of questioning he erroneously thinks the Medford City Council is entitled to ask TV3 Medford. Hey Joe, you just demanded that MCC bring private and personal information to a PUBLIC meeting for your personal inspection. You just admitted your attempt to stalk each and every member of TV3 Medford by demanding to see private and personal information on them! And you did this on a blog - on the internet.

You, Joe Viglione are a CYBER STALKER!!!

Medford Police cyber crimes unit please make note of Mr Viglione's public confession.

Wincam employee Joe Viglione proves he doesn't even remember what he sees in front of him - he needs to be fired for incompetence!

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog today he writes:
4)Please bring the ALL the time cards for the station manager
This is in reference to a line of questioning he erroneously thinks the Medford City Council is entitled to ask TV3 Medford. Hey Joe, time cards... you think a station manager punches a time card? Have you ever seen a time clock at a public access station anywhere? Have you ever seen a timecard anywhere? Do you perhaps mean a time sheet?

Joe, you've just proven what the Woburn Judge wrote about you in December of 2011 - that you have no knowledge of how business works. You've also proven you don't even know what you're looking at with your own two eyes, or perhaps that you have memory recollection problems. Or maybe it's just that you, public figure Joe Viglione are a public LIAR! Does Wincam know this? Did they know this when they hired you? Aren't you defrauding the City of Winchester by holding down a paying job in Public Access?

Wincam employee Joe Viglione should be fired for incompetence. He proves he knows next to nothing about how Public Access TV works

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog today he writes:
a)Please provide DVDs and equipment sign-out documents for each and every new show produced by a member
This is in reference to a line of questioning he erroneously thinks the Medford City Council is entitled to ask TV3 Medford. Hey Joe, the programs made by the members of Pubilc Acceess Tv stations are their own personal property, not the property of the public access channel. The station returns the programs to the members after they have run them. The public access station does not make or keep a copy of those programs. Further, many of the shows do not and have never existed on DVD. The live shows are shot directly onto the computers. Some members bring in their shows on portable hard drives or flash drives. Further, many shows are shot in the studio without the members needing to sign out equipment.

Joe, you've just proven what the Woburn Judge wrote about you in December of 2011 - that you have almost no knowledge of how Public Access works. Does Wincam know this? Did they know this when they hired you? Aren't you defrauding the City of Winchester by holding down a paying job in Public Access when you know almost nothing about it??

Wincam employee Joe Viglione proves he knows nothing about how business works. He should be fired for incompetence

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog today he writes:
a)Bring the check register to verify all 136 members are paid members and not giveaways designed to "stack the deck" with names that aren't certified to produce access and who never paid to produce access
This is in reference to a line of questioning he erroneously thinks the Medford City Council is entitled to ask TV3 Medford. Hey Joe, A check register is for checks that are written out, not for checks received. How could TV3 Medford's check register possibly be a verification of checks members have written out to pay to TV3? How could the check register be a verification of any membership payments that may have been made in cash? How could the check register be a verification of any membership payments that may have been made by credit card? How could the check register be a verification of any membership payments that may have been made by Paypal payments? How could the check register be a verification of any membership payments that may have been made by any other of the modern methods people have available to them to pay a bill?

Joe, you've just proven what the Woburn Judge wrote about you in December of 2011 - that you have no knowledge of how business works. Does Wincam know this? Did they know this when they hired you? Aren't you defrauding the City of Winchester by holding down a job there?

Wincam employee Joe Viglione should be fired for misuse of Winchester High School City owned equipment

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog today he writes:
The Government Channel and our camera borrowed from Winchester taped the festivities, the speeches, the music.
The Public Access channel in Wincam (where public liar Jor Viglione alleges he is employed) is located in Winchester High School where it shares it's studio space and equipment with the Educational channel; making said equipment the property of the City of Winchester. There are strict rules in public access that any equipment taken out to be used is for the sole purpose of making TV for that public access channel. Any misuse of equipment for private purposes is grounds for immediate dismissal. Further, any use of the equipment for non public access (for the City it is borrowed from) use is, upon discovery of its misuse in this manner, subject to the violator being billed for and legally having to pay for the use of said equipment at fair market value rate for the rental and use of such equipment. This amounts to at a minimum, $100 per day.

Joe Viglione has just admitted to using Wincam equipment to tape the Memorial Day ceremonies in Medford, not in Winchester. Joe Viglione mas made this video to put on Made in Medford. This is private use of Winchester Public Access City owned equipment. Joe Viglione should be immediately dismissed from his job in Wincam and billed for the usage of the camera in this manner. His membership should also be cancelled and not re-instated until he has paid the bill in full, including any accured interest and penalty fees. This is exactly the behavior that earned public figure Joe Viglione his banishment for LIFE (since he'll never be able to repay all that he owes for the several years he had the camera out, which amounts well to over $70,000) from TV3 Medford.

Wincam employee Public Liar Joe Viglione made a complete and utter fool of by Special Needs individual John Byers

Public figure Joe Viglione has referred to John Byers on his blogs in many ways.

Sometimes Joe Viglione calls John Byers a Special Needs individual.

Sometimes Joe Viglione calls John Byers mentally challenged.

Sometimes Joe Viglione calls John Byers mildly autistic.

Sometimes Joe Viglione calls John Byers a local politician.

Sometimes Joe Viglione calls John Byers a mayoral candidate.

But whatever else Joe Viglione may call John Byers, Joe Viglione considers John Byers to be his lackey - his stooge (but he never tells Johnny this). Joe Viglione tells lies to John Byers about Mayor McGlynn. Joe Viglione does not tell John Byers that they are lies. Then John Byers repeats those lies when he phones in to Open House With Ziggy Bush. Joe Viglione tells John Byers to call Arthur DeLuca and pump him for information and report it back to Joe. Joe Viglione tells John Byers to feed Arthur DeLuca certain information then to call Joe back and tell him how it went.

How Do we know this? Simple - Joe Viglione says so on his blogs. here are a few of those things Joe has written on his blogs this month. Here is an example (from public figure Joe Viglione's blog) of John Byers pumping Arthur DeLuca for information:
The FACT that Art Deluca told John Byers that he had informed the board there are connectivity issues in Medford Square means you either have "the blind leading the blind" or some kind of malfeasance (Judge Jackson - Thompson's choice of a word), some kind of alleged MALFEASANCE going on.
Here is an example (from public figure Joe Viglione's blog) of John Byers feeding Arthur DeLuca planted information:
Frank Pilleri orders Arthur Deluca to phone Johnny Byers to pump Johnny for information.

1)How stupid is the self-appointed "president' of the fraud access TV station not even on the air, not having generated new programming, new shows in about 5 months...

a)even Johnny knows that critical information cannot be divulged to him. Johnny loves to brag that he knows things. So Johnny only tells what we want him to know
Public figure Joe Viglione has taught special needs individual John Byers that it's okay for him to lie to get someone into trouble if they've done him wrong. Public figure Joe Viglione has turned special needs individual John Byers into quite the little liar. But of course, public figure Joe Viglione already knows all of this.

Well here's something you DON'T Know, Joe. John Byers is no longer in communication with Arthur DeLuca. Arthur DeLuca has refused to talk with John Byers since before Christmas. Special needs individual John Byers has become so good at lying that he's been lying to you for FIVE MONTHS. Special needs individual John Byers has been making up everything he's said to you that he claims to have learned in conversations with Arthur DeLuca. Special needs individual John Byer has NOT passed on any of your planted stories to Arthur DeLuca because he has not talked to Arthur DeLuca.

So when you talk about mentally challenged, special needs, mildly autistic, local politician, mayoral candidate John Byers by any or all of these names... whatever negative opinion you have of john Byers' metal capabilities; KNOW THIS ONE FACT

John Byers is still smart enough to have made a complete and utter fool out of you!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Wincam employee Public Liar Joe Viglione plays with himself

Wincam employee Public Liar Joe Viglione falsely accuses people of crimes

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog today he writes:
Hey Joe, if Doreen has been and is being stalked by someone from TV3 as you claim and she has filed a report with the police as you claim, then how come that person has not been investigated by the police? How come that person has not been questioned by the police? How come that person has not been charged by the police? Could it be because you, public figure Joe Viglione, are a liar?

yes, I think that's the reason alright!

A question for Wincam employee Public Liar Joe Viglione

We were just reviewing this blog in it's entirety. Re-reading each and every entry when noticed something that makes us just have to ask this question of public figure Joe Viglione.

Joe, do you actually know ANYTHING?

Wincam employee Public Liar Joe Viglione proves he has no understanding of legal proceedings

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog yesterday he wrote:
you are wrong, Joe. It's not testimony. It's only testimony if it's given at a trial or other court proceeding. The Evaluation hearing was given by a retired judge. She was not acting in a legal capacity. The proceedings had no legal standing. It was just an informational gathering time - a public Bitchfest as it were.

This is why everybody ignores you when you make demands that things be done based on the hearing and the "testimony". For years now you've been demanding to anyone and everyone that MCC be removed, prosecuted, fined etc. How's that working out for you?

Wincam employee Public Liar Joe Viglione gets it wrong again!

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog yesterday he wrote:
Staff has the obligation to cover city and community events.
No they don't Joe. That obligation belonged to TV3 only for the six months they had a secondary contract to videotape and carry City events. After the original six month contract ended, the City decided not to renew it, citing the expense as being too great. Instead they created the Government channel and moved the obligation over to them. Haven't you seen the documents detailing the entire history of this? Haven't you seen the tapes of the City Council meetings discussing and planning this in great detail yet?

You haven't? Well I guess that'll be your next public records request. Too bad you don't know which City Council meetings to ask for and which City Department has copies of those reports and contracts.

Wincam employee Public Liar Joe Viglione makes legal blunder after legal blunder

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog yesterday he wrote:
We are putting together a NEW CORPORATION to "bid" on the Access Contract and showing the lies of the station as told to the city on May 21, 2012; the lies in the lawsuit against the city; the litigious nature of Frank Pilleri and his entrenched cronies Now let me get this straight... You believe that the station told lies to the City at Tuesday's City Council meeting but you're going to sue the City for it?

You really think you can win that lawsuit, Joe?

Wincam employee Public Liar Joe Vglione can't keep his own lies straight

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog yesterday he wrote:
Costas: Board not responsible for ‘Chumley Report’
asking his readers to also read that article.
Hey Joe... if John Costas, a former MCC board member whom you believe to be credible and truthful - a man whose opinions and declarations you trust - says that the board of MCC is not responsible for the Chumley Report; why do you keeping insisting they are responsible for it?

Could it be that you're a... LIAR?

Wincam employee Public Liar Joe Viglione - the self declared expert on pornography

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog yesterday he wrote:
What an eyesore the 32 Riverside Ave "projects" are. Doesn't the landlord have any sense of decency? It looks like a boarded up porno shop, doesn't it?
Hey Joe... how do you know what a boarded up porno shop looks like? Have you been dry-humping those buildings too?

Wincam employee Public Liar Joe Viglione proves once again that he has no knowledge of how Public Access works

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog yesterday he wrote:
The mayor can't fire them Joe - they're not his employees!

Wincam employee Public Liar Joe Viglione sinks City Council Candidate/Challenger's chances of being elected

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog today he writes:
This is a serious situation that needed to be addressed and both the Visual Radio host - reading from Judge Jackson-Thompson's report, and Council Candidate Jeanne Martin offered factual information the public needed to hear.
Hey Joe, what factual information? You're a liar and have no understanding of how business or public access works - those were the rulings by Massachusetts Court judges. Jeanne Martin learned evrything about public access from what you taught her - so that means she knows nothing about it, either.

Don't you realize how fed up and completely disgusted the public at large is with you. Don't you realize how they loathe to see your appearances at the City Council meetings. Don't you realize how many of them turn off the City Council meetings when they see you? That's why your turn at the podium always comes last - you drive people away.
Don't you relaize the public at large wants nothing to do with you and the people you associate with?
Don't you realize that the public at large wants nothing to do with, and will not vote for any new candidate you groom to run for office?
John Byers lost the primary - McGlynn got ten times the votes John did - yet you want him to run again
Tony D'Antonio lost to McGlynn by several THOUSAND votes. He lost the final election by more votes than John Byers lost the primary.
They will lose again this year; both being knocked out during the primary if an additional candidate joining the race for Mayor is clearly one you are not grooming.
Don't you realize that Jeanne Martin will most likely lose because she has become your disciple in the public at large's eyes? I say "most likely" because she does have a chance to knock Penta out of office - this is her one chance to win a seat on the City Council; she may win Bob Penta's seat!
Don't you realize what a bad luck piece you are for politcians? You don't?

Friday, May 24, 2013

For Immediate Release!!! Wincam employee Public Liar Joe Viglione cannot tell time

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog today he writes:
Here is the beginning of what turned out to be a 45 minute discussion of the access TV station in Medford not operating since on or around December 17, 2013.
Hey, Joe. Look again at the City Council replay (and your obvious taping of it). Penta's resolution discussion from beginning up to the ending vote ran approximately one hour a 5 minutes; that's sixty five minutes! Maybe we should buy you one of those Romper Room Good DoBee clocks for you to hone up your chronal skills on. Time to stop fornicating with the facade there, Mr "woody".

Wincam employee Public Liar Joe Viglione doesn't understand the verbiage of legal contracts

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog this morning he writes:
Medford Community Cablevision, Inc. claims FALSELY THAT THE Contract EXPIRES ON A LATER DATE OF AUGUST 31, 2015. NO FRIGGIN' WAY.
Hey Joe.... neither MCC as a legal entity, it's indivual board members representing it nor any of their staff have ever claimed their current contract with the City of Medford expires at any time other than April of 2015. That you keep stating they are claiming otherwise proves you to be either not smart enough to understand contracts and how business works (which the Woburn Court judge wrote in his case ruling which you "won" by being declared too foolish to be believed), a public liar, or both!

Wincam employee Public Liar Joe Viglione knows NOTHING about the 3 branches of Government and how Government works

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog this morning he writes:
Even with the nonsensical support of the Mayor's lackey, Paul A. Camuso, the immature TV3 manager folded and crumbled, his knees buckling as he was peppered with questions he refused to answer.
Hey Joe - you need either glasses or a new brain because the TV3 manager did not fold or crumble, neither did his knees buckle. He stood in proud defiance of the improper questions from the Medford City Council who have absolutely no authority over MCC/TV3 Medford and should not have been asking him these things.

The City Council is the legislative branch of Government. As such their only legal authority is to make the laws (City Ordinences). The Mayor's office is the executive branch of government. It is this branch's authority to enforce the laws. What you are calling City Councillor Paul Camuso's weak attempt to stick up for TV3 is in reality the City Council's one and only proper line of response -- that this business and the issues of TV3 come under the mayor's office and any such comments and inquiries need to come from that office.

But we all here in Medford know that in order for Bob Penta to have any chance to get himself re-elected, he has to manufacture some phony issue to "fight for the people" for. Obviously this year Bob Penta has decided to make TV3 the Dragon he needs to slay, and he is once again using you, mr public figure and public liar, Joe Viglione as a mere unthinking tool, one of Penta's Puppets; the unconsidered sword, to slay this TV3 Dragon with.

How does it feel to be his slave?

Wincam employee Public Liar Joe Viglione actually thinks he's a whistleblower

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog Thursday night he wrote:
She then sued the whistleblower who had uncovered much of the crazy shenanigans at the fraud "public access" television station.
Let me break this to you gently Joe... in order for you to be a whistleblower, you have to tell the authorities of actual illegal activity commited by someone or some corporation. Telling lies doesn't count!

I don't know what it actually is that you're blowing, Joe... but it's not a whistle!

Wincam employee Public Liar Joe Viglione thinks he can actually think

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog late Thursday night he wrote:
696 days until Comcast and Medford Community Cablevision, Inc. contracts expire with the City of Medford 782 HITS IN THE PAST 24-36 HOURS 8558 HITS IN THE PAST 30 DAYS! ____________________________________ EVEN THOUGH WE BELIEVE MCGLYNN IS GOING TO HAVE TO RESCIND THE MCC AGREEMENT WITH THE PLAN WE ARE PUTTING INTO PLACE WITH AN EX-BOARDMEMBER OF TV3,
Hey Joe, don't you know that to rescind the contract, the Mayor has to go through a series of legal procedures that will cost the City money and will take more than two years to complete?

The contract will expire in less time than that. So if the mayor does nothing but let the contract expire and merely not renew with Medford Community Cablevision, he'll get rid of them quicker and for less money?

You're really not very bright, are you, Joe?

Pssst... Wincam employee Public Liar Joe Viglione doesn't know he's not a REAL journalist - pass it on!

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog late Thursday night he wrote:
*(Editor's note: A Federal Employee (that I don't know the name of) had a conversation with me ...that individual claims to have witnessed DiPaola getting into his car - alone - drunk out of his mind. Coupled with the evidence we know of - that an employee drove the drunk Sheriff home - that Federal employee's discussion with me seems highly credible. I didn't print it until the Sheriff allegedly killed himself).
Uhm... let me get this straight... you don't even know the name of your "news source".... you don't know anything about this person... you don't make any attempt to check out this person's claim... yet you find this person's discussion to be highly credible... and you actually think you are a real journalist?

Delusional Wincam employee Public Liar Joe Viglione doesn't realize he's guaranteeing Bob Maiocco will be re-elected to the Medford City Council

Public figure Joe Viglione just doesn't get it; out of ALL the seated City Councillors, City Ciouncil President Bob Maiocco is the only one who shuts public liar Joe Viglione down at the podium when he violates the podium's terms of use. This GUARANTEES that Bob Maiocco will be re-elected to the City Council as no one wants to hear Joe Viglione speak!

If you don't believe us, Joe... just check out the replay of this week's City Council meeting when you get up to speak. Do you see the man seated to your right (from the camera's point of view) several seats behind you? Do you see him drop his head down and put his hands up to cover his face as he shakes his head "no" when you speak? That's because he dreads having to hear the pile of lies and foolishness that always eminate from your pie-hole and he doesn't want to hear it!

Wincam employee Public Liar Joe Viglione lies and lies and lies

On public figure (and public liar) Joe Viglione's blog late Thursday night he wrote;


Uhm, Joe.... no it's not. Let me donate a little bit of information to you. A donation of person's time is called volunteering. Only a donation of a person's money is called a donation.

You can't actually really be that unintelligent, can you?

Wincam employee Public Liar Joe Viglione lies to the public again!

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog late Thursday night he wrote:
(a board member told us it is four; the station manager told the city it is ten (10). IN CONFLICT with what the board member of the non-profit stated!)
Hello Medford - here's another lie from public liar Joe Viglione. No board member told Joe Viglione there are only four board members. No board member told public liar Joe Viglione anything! No board member will speak to public liar Joe Viglione even though he is a public figure. The board of directors find public liar Joe Viglione and what public liar Joe Viglione says to be unimportant and do not hear his words

Joe, when you're done fornicating with the TV3 Medford studio front entrance, please zip up and hose down the stain you made on it.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

The worn out Mantra of Wincam employee's Public Liar Joe Viglione

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog today, on every post he has made up to this time, he chants the following mantra:
third party beneficiaries

class action lawsuit!

piercing the corporate veil
I guess you haven't been paying attention to the contracts OR to this blog, Joe. Let me try to get this thought into your confused cranium.


That means you can't have a class action lawsuit, Joe. And from what we hear, the only "piercing" you're engaged in is between the masonry of the foundation of TV3's Riverside Avenue studio and your own penis.

How's that working out for you, Joe?

Sexually frustrated Wincam employee Joe Viglione seen dry-humping TV3 Medford's new studio location?

Poor old, confused, jealous Joe Viglione - he just cannot accept the fact that he has been permanently banned from being a member of TV3 Medford or using any of it's facilities in any way. Now reports are coming in from Medford Square denizens that Joe Viglione has been hanging out in front of TV3's Riverside Avenue studio. He has been seen with his body pressed up against the glass wall to said studio. On his blog, Joe Viglione offers evidence for one possible explaination of this behavior when he writes:


But there are other more, emotionally and mentally disturbing possible reasons for his hugging to the front of TV's studio storefront. Based on information and belief, we here at Information Central Medford find it plausible and very likely that public figure Joe Viglione is so obsessed with Public Access Television in general and with TV3 Medford in particular, that he has actually developed an unhealthy sexual attraction for ALL THINGS TV3 and has been sexually pleasing himself by dry-humping the building itself! Have passers-by who have been witness to him holding the camera up against the TV3 window, heard noises of pleasure eminating from Joe Viglione's perhaps drooling mouth? Have they noticed slight gyrations of his hips as he attempts entry into the orifice of the cold, firm, unyielding and unwilling lover of the Tv3 building front facade?

Isn't the camera in crusading journalist Joe Viglione's hands just an excuse for this "jilted lover" to get close the "lover" who rejected him? Isn't the camera he carries merely a sad prop designed to mask the fact that Joe Viglione has an unnatural and unhealthy sexual attraction for MCC/TV3? Isn't it most credible and likely that in his own mind public figure Joe Viglione cannot accept the rejection from his love obsession and so he continuously stalks Tv Medford's staff, members and board of directors in a very mentally unhealthy way?

One word of caution to all who approach TV3's Riverside Avenue studio... carefully check the front of the building for signs of wet spots!

This is public figure Joe Viglione.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

City Council as a body admits they do not believe Wincam employee Public Liar Joe Viglione

You know how Joe Viglione always brags on his blog that he has the news first? You know how on his blog, public figure Joe Viglione always brags that he is a credible source for news (and sometimes he brags he's the most credible source). You know how on his blog, public figure Joe Viglione brags that he sends out private e-mails to politicians, newspapers etc? You know how on his blog, public figure Joe Viglione always brags that these politicains always listen to him and do his bidding?

Well last night's City Council meeting shot down public liar Joe Viglione's braggadocio for the lies that they are. The City Council unanimously voted to ask for documents that will provide the truth behind the rumors and stories floating around about TV3. Get that? They want to know the truth behind the rumors and stories being told about Tv3. If the City Council reads Joe's blogs and if the City Council gets and reads Joe's e-mails, and if Joe Viglione's blogs and e-mails are true, then the City Council already knows the truth behind the rumors and stories being told about Tv3 - because Joe Viglione's blogs and e-mails are the truth (or so he claims). Yet, even after having read public figure Joe Viglione's blog entries (as public figure Joe Viglione claims they do) and even after getting and reading public figure Joe Viglione's e-mails (as public figure Joe Viglione claims they do), they unanimously passed a resolution to be provided with documents so that they may learn the truth behind the rumors and stories about TV3.

This obviously means that to a person, the City Council does not believe public figure Joe Viglione's blog postings. This obviously means that to a person, the City Council does not believe public figure Joe Viglione's e-mails. This obviously means that to a person, the City Council believes public figure Joe Viglione's blog postings and e-mails to be merely rumors and stories.This obviously means that to a person, the City Council believes public figure Joe Viglione's blog postings and e-mails to be false. This obviously means that to a person, the City Council believes public figure Joe Viglione to also be public liar Joe Viglione.

How does it feel to have the entire City Council to a person, publicy declare on live TV that they believe you are a public liar, Joe? Does it feel any worse than when the Cambridge Court Judge in Medford found you to be a public liar?

What an odd thing for Wincam employee Public Liar Joe Viglione to say!

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog last night, he made a rather odd statement as follows:
Jim Tuberosa has allegedly left TV3; the station manager says he has new members? They are losing members. Mr. Tuberosa phoned me with John Byers and we had two conference calls a few months back. Mr. Tuberosa is NOT happy with TV3.
Now everyone who reads public figure Joe Viglione's blog (all four of you) know that for several years, Joe Vilgione has been claiming that Jim Tuberosa is not a Medford resident at all, but rather a Boston resident. Then why is public figure Joe Viglione heralding Jim Tuberosa's alleged departure from TV3 Medford as a bad thing? Shouldn't public figure Joe Viglione be standing up and cheering, proclaiming from the highest rooftops "Huzzah!! Fat-Ass Tubby Tuberosa finally got his ample rump booted out of our City!"

Could perhaps Heraldo Rivers' theory and assessment of Joe Viglione's psychological make-up be spot on the money - is public figure Joe Viglione actually in love with Jim Tuberosa? Does Joe Viglione have sexual longings and cravings for Jim Tuberosa? Enquiring minds don't want to know! I wonder what a Mayoral candidate would say about this? Pass the pickle juice please.

Did Wincam employee public liar Joe Viglione threaten to vivisect MCC/TV3 station manager Dan Sarno?

Public figure Joe Viglione's blog Tuesday night contained a blog entry entitled

TV3 not honest with the City Council; 45 minutes of information that will be dissected

The only person from TV3 who was at the City Council meeting giving information last night was station manager Dan Sarno. So if public figure Joe Viglione actually believes "TV3" was not honest with the City Council, that means public figure Joe Viglione believes that Dan Sarno was not honest with the City Council. Joe Viglione announces he's going to dissect the information. Since Dan Sarno was the one giving out the information that Joe Viglione is going to disect, does it follow that public figure Joe Viglione has intentiomns of disecting Dan Sarno? Is this a death threat leveled against TV3 Medford's station manager by public figure Joe Viglione? Should the police be notified of this possible death threat? Does anyone reading this think for even the tiniest fraction of one minute that this was an actual credible death threat?

What's that you say... you don't believe it? Well I happen to agree with you; but this is an example of a Joe Viglione logic stream. So if you would not believe the above musings to be an example of an actual death threat, then why would anyone believe public liar Joe Viglione's musings over attorny Dave Skerry's statements to him be actual death threats? The aanswer is, of course, that no one would because no death threats were issued. Yet public liar Joe Viglione would have you believe otherwise.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Even Leonard Nimoy's Mr Spock knows the truth about Wincam employee Public Liar Joe Viglione

Interesting that public figure Joe Viglione would use a review of the latest Star Trek movie to draw comparisons to Medford and it's "Public Access situation"

Since Mr Viglione is old enough and has seen Star Trek in it's original run (since renamed in discussions as Star Trek: The Original Series), he should be familiar with an episode from way back then. It's an episode that Joe seems to have used as a template for how to run his life today.

Here from the Internet Movie Database is data on the episode entitled:

The Way to Eden

Original Air Date: 21 February 1969 (Season 3, Episode 20)

A group of idealistic hippies, led by an irrational leader, come aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise.

In this case, Medford is the Enterprise, Joe Viglione is the irrational leader and his "followers, spies, Great Eight" etc (you know... those people for whom Joe is "The Leader of the Opposition") are the group of idealistic hippies. Now go to the quotes page and you will find:

Spock: [to Kirk] There is no insanity in what they seek. I made a promise which I should like to keep. With your permission, I must locate Eden.

What is even more interesting (and very perceptive of Leonard Nimoy who must have somehow used his Vulcan mental powers to sense this in little Joey Viglione who was at the other end of the TV transmission watching this at the time) is the line delivered by Mr Spock just before this one. He said to William Shatner's James Tiberius Kirk,
"Dr Sevrin is obviously insane"

This is who you are following people, when you listen to public figure Joe Viglione.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Yet another libellous false allegation from Wincam employee Public Liar Joe Viglione

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog today he alleges:

"Donato's office said that "Frank Took The Money" and law enforcement better do its job and look into that in a very serious way."
Tell us Joe... how did that work out for you?

More foolishness from Wincam employee Public Liar Joe Viglione

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog today he writes:
"Dawn's ears should be ringing just about now because I am in discussion with multiple attorneys about just such a legitimate case".

Hey Dawn... Ding Dong... it's a ding dong calling!

The false allegations of Wincam employee public liar Joe Viglione

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog today he alleges:

The fact that Bob Maiocco goes out of his way to cast aspersions means that we are on his mind and he is trying a tactic to slur this excellent work.

Joe, you are all confused here. Maiocco is not going out of his way, he's not creating blogs about you, he's not writing to the authorities about you; he is talking to you to your face when you get up to the podium and stand right there in front of him.