Wednesday, May 22, 2013

City Council as a body admits they do not believe Wincam employee Public Liar Joe Viglione

You know how Joe Viglione always brags on his blog that he has the news first? You know how on his blog, public figure Joe Viglione always brags that he is a credible source for news (and sometimes he brags he's the most credible source). You know how on his blog, public figure Joe Viglione brags that he sends out private e-mails to politicians, newspapers etc? You know how on his blog, public figure Joe Viglione always brags that these politicains always listen to him and do his bidding?

Well last night's City Council meeting shot down public liar Joe Viglione's braggadocio for the lies that they are. The City Council unanimously voted to ask for documents that will provide the truth behind the rumors and stories floating around about TV3. Get that? They want to know the truth behind the rumors and stories being told about Tv3. If the City Council reads Joe's blogs and if the City Council gets and reads Joe's e-mails, and if Joe Viglione's blogs and e-mails are true, then the City Council already knows the truth behind the rumors and stories being told about Tv3 - because Joe Viglione's blogs and e-mails are the truth (or so he claims). Yet, even after having read public figure Joe Viglione's blog entries (as public figure Joe Viglione claims they do) and even after getting and reading public figure Joe Viglione's e-mails (as public figure Joe Viglione claims they do), they unanimously passed a resolution to be provided with documents so that they may learn the truth behind the rumors and stories about TV3.

This obviously means that to a person, the City Council does not believe public figure Joe Viglione's blog postings. This obviously means that to a person, the City Council does not believe public figure Joe Viglione's e-mails. This obviously means that to a person, the City Council believes public figure Joe Viglione's blog postings and e-mails to be merely rumors and stories.This obviously means that to a person, the City Council believes public figure Joe Viglione's blog postings and e-mails to be false. This obviously means that to a person, the City Council believes public figure Joe Viglione to also be public liar Joe Viglione.

How does it feel to have the entire City Council to a person, publicy declare on live TV that they believe you are a public liar, Joe? Does it feel any worse than when the Cambridge Court Judge in Medford found you to be a public liar?

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