Wednesday, May 22, 2013

What an odd thing for Wincam employee Public Liar Joe Viglione to say!

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog last night, he made a rather odd statement as follows:
Jim Tuberosa has allegedly left TV3; the station manager says he has new members? They are losing members. Mr. Tuberosa phoned me with John Byers and we had two conference calls a few months back. Mr. Tuberosa is NOT happy with TV3.
Now everyone who reads public figure Joe Viglione's blog (all four of you) know that for several years, Joe Vilgione has been claiming that Jim Tuberosa is not a Medford resident at all, but rather a Boston resident. Then why is public figure Joe Viglione heralding Jim Tuberosa's alleged departure from TV3 Medford as a bad thing? Shouldn't public figure Joe Viglione be standing up and cheering, proclaiming from the highest rooftops "Huzzah!! Fat-Ass Tubby Tuberosa finally got his ample rump booted out of our City!"

Could perhaps Heraldo Rivers' theory and assessment of Joe Viglione's psychological make-up be spot on the money - is public figure Joe Viglione actually in love with Jim Tuberosa? Does Joe Viglione have sexual longings and cravings for Jim Tuberosa? Enquiring minds don't want to know! I wonder what a Mayoral candidate would say about this? Pass the pickle juice please.

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