Friday, May 24, 2013

Wincam employee Public Liar Joe Viglione knows NOTHING about the 3 branches of Government and how Government works

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog this morning he writes:
Even with the nonsensical support of the Mayor's lackey, Paul A. Camuso, the immature TV3 manager folded and crumbled, his knees buckling as he was peppered with questions he refused to answer.
Hey Joe - you need either glasses or a new brain because the TV3 manager did not fold or crumble, neither did his knees buckle. He stood in proud defiance of the improper questions from the Medford City Council who have absolutely no authority over MCC/TV3 Medford and should not have been asking him these things.

The City Council is the legislative branch of Government. As such their only legal authority is to make the laws (City Ordinences). The Mayor's office is the executive branch of government. It is this branch's authority to enforce the laws. What you are calling City Councillor Paul Camuso's weak attempt to stick up for TV3 is in reality the City Council's one and only proper line of response -- that this business and the issues of TV3 come under the mayor's office and any such comments and inquiries need to come from that office.

But we all here in Medford know that in order for Bob Penta to have any chance to get himself re-elected, he has to manufacture some phony issue to "fight for the people" for. Obviously this year Bob Penta has decided to make TV3 the Dragon he needs to slay, and he is once again using you, mr public figure and public liar, Joe Viglione as a mere unthinking tool, one of Penta's Puppets; the unconsidered sword, to slay this TV3 Dragon with.

How does it feel to be his slave?

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