Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Did Wincam employee public liar Joe Viglione threaten to vivisect MCC/TV3 station manager Dan Sarno?

Public figure Joe Viglione's blog Tuesday night contained a blog entry entitled

TV3 not honest with the City Council; 45 minutes of information that will be dissected

The only person from TV3 who was at the City Council meeting giving information last night was station manager Dan Sarno. So if public figure Joe Viglione actually believes "TV3" was not honest with the City Council, that means public figure Joe Viglione believes that Dan Sarno was not honest with the City Council. Joe Viglione announces he's going to dissect the information. Since Dan Sarno was the one giving out the information that Joe Viglione is going to disect, does it follow that public figure Joe Viglione has intentiomns of disecting Dan Sarno? Is this a death threat leveled against TV3 Medford's station manager by public figure Joe Viglione? Should the police be notified of this possible death threat? Does anyone reading this think for even the tiniest fraction of one minute that this was an actual credible death threat?

What's that you say... you don't believe it? Well I happen to agree with you; but this is an example of a Joe Viglione logic stream. So if you would not believe the above musings to be an example of an actual death threat, then why would anyone believe public liar Joe Viglione's musings over attorny Dave Skerry's statements to him be actual death threats? The aanswer is, of course, that no one would because no death threats were issued. Yet public liar Joe Viglione would have you believe otherwise.

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