Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wincam employee public liar Joe Viglione is afraid of the police. Why? What is he hiding from us?

Did any of you catch public figure Joe Viglione's less than stellar performance at last night's Medford City Council meeting? This was the Great Joe Viglione's Big Chance! City Councillor Bob Penta had on the Council agenda to discuss "the misleading statements made by MCC at last week's City Council meeting" Joe Viglione was "happier than a pig in shit," as the saying goes. He was blogging ever since last week at what he alleges were inaccuracies made by TV3 at that meeting. He was quoting "facts" (yeah - right) and statistics "proving" Tv3 had lied. Yeah - you know all about lying, don't you Joe?

The Big Night came, Joe Viglione was finally going to have his chance to shine in the firmament. Public figure Joe Viglione was going to finally give TV3 a "damn good thrashing" (metaphorically speaking, of course). The agenda item came up. Penta spoke. Frank Pilleri from TV3 spoke. Jeanne Martin spoke. Frank Pilleri spoke again. But where was Joe? Joe Viglione was busy in the back of the room typing away like a little school boy who was late in getting his homework done. And in the Council chambers around Joe Viglione were four Medford police officers, keeping their eyes on Joe Viglione. When the heat was on, when it counted most... Joe Viglione folded, he backed down. Finally he did get up to speak a few sentences - maybe spoke for almost a minute, if that - but all the false bravado public figure Joe Viglione had been expousing all week long on his blog faded away. Joe Viglione was afraid of spouting his lies up on the podium, up there in front of the Medford police. Joe was afraid of being arrested for the lies he had planned to tell about TV3.

It's not surprising really. Everyone knows that all bullies are great big cowards. Even John Byers knows Joe has no balls to do anything aggressive. John always tells people "Oh no, Joe would never do anything like that". In fact, based on information and belief, we have it on good authority that John Byers believes if you were to pull down Joe Viglione's pants (which would probably be on fire, since he's such a liar - see? I can rhyme too!) you would find a vagina between his legs. But that's just what we believe John Byers thinks. Frankly the thought of pulling down public lair Joe Viglione's pants is something that does not interest us in the slightest.

I guess you'll just have to go back to humping the Tv3 building front to get your sexual kicks, Joe.

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