Monday, May 27, 2013

Wincam employee Joe Viglione proves he doesn't even remember what he sees in front of him - he needs to be fired for incompetence!

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog today he writes:
4)Please bring the ALL the time cards for the station manager
This is in reference to a line of questioning he erroneously thinks the Medford City Council is entitled to ask TV3 Medford. Hey Joe, time cards... you think a station manager punches a time card? Have you ever seen a time clock at a public access station anywhere? Have you ever seen a timecard anywhere? Do you perhaps mean a time sheet?

Joe, you've just proven what the Woburn Judge wrote about you in December of 2011 - that you have no knowledge of how business works. You've also proven you don't even know what you're looking at with your own two eyes, or perhaps that you have memory recollection problems. Or maybe it's just that you, public figure Joe Viglione are a public LIAR! Does Wincam know this? Did they know this when they hired you? Aren't you defrauding the City of Winchester by holding down a paying job in Public Access?

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