Saturday, May 11, 2013

Wincam employee PUBLIC LIAR Joeseph Viglione KNOWS why he is FOREVER BANNED from TV3 Medford

On Mr Viglione's blog today he writes

"Dear Chief Sacco and Officers in this e mail:

Here is the important volunteer work I do for my community. Along with the animal rescue aspect of the story is how Medford this is - Bestsellers café, Kitty Connection, directed by City Council candidate Jeanne Martin - so much Medford being denied us on Channel 3.


Mr Viglione has claimed many different reasons for his banishment from Medford Community Cablevision. He demands full disclosure on many topics from MCC/TV3, but to this date, in all of the things Mr Viglione has screaming with FEIGNED INDIGNATION over, he has never once - not one single time - demanded full disclosure on why he is banned from TV3. He has told many lies about his ban, claiming he's being censored because MCC is jealous of him, his show and his success.

Excuse me... success? What success? MCC is jealous of a man who can't even afford a pair of socks? really? Jealous of that? Is that what he thinks?

In fact, besides Joe not wanting full disclosure on his ban and the reasons for it, he does not WANT it revealed at all. He wants it kept secret. He wants to censor those individuals at TV3 from ever revealing to the public (or even anyone in private) the reason for his permanent ban from TV3. Jospeh Viglione wants to reveal everyone else's "sins" (especially those he makes up - also called lies about) to the uncaring public, while at the same time harassing and stalking anyone who dares to reveal the actual and factual sins of Joseph Viglione, the public figure living on Garfield Ave; or so he claims when he states that as his legal address when he speaks up at City Council meetings. Do we really know that he lives there? Has anyone checked the public records to determine if he is still an actual resident of Medford?

The truth of Mr Viglione's ban from TV3 Medford is that when he resigned from TV3 back in late 2002/early 2003 (the actual date of his resignation is in dispute - in early 2003 Mr Viglione notified MCC that he resigned in late 2002), he still had out a video camera that belonged to TV3. Sice he had resigned, he was no longer eligible to have it out or to use it. He refused to give it back. Mr Viglione will tell many different stories about why he did so, some of which have been proven to be lies, but he would NOT return it. MCC had to file a lawsuit againt Mr Viglione and take him to court to get it back. This process took several years to complete, but TV3 finally got the camera back from Mr Viglione. Mr Viglione never even paid so much as one cent in rental fees/restitution for having denied Tv3 or its members the use of that camera by keeping it in his possession for all that time. This is the reason why Joseph Viglione is forever banned from TV3 Medford. This is why he can't use any of their facilities, including but not limited to his appearance as a guest in the studio on anyone's show. This is why he cannot participate in any TV3 or TV3 sponsored functions, events, contests etc. This is why his Visual Radio Program or any other program of which Mr Viglione is the legal owner (which a copyright signifies) will not be played on Tv3's channel, website or any other method TV3 has or will have.

This is what Public Figure Joseph Viglione does not want the public to know; that his ban is fully legal; that his ban has never been revoked; that no court of law has ever overturned this ban; that no member of the public upon hearing the actual truth of his ban would believe he is being treated unfairly by being banned; that no Public Access Station upon hearing the actual truth of his ban would believe he is being treated unfairly by being banned; that Joesph Viglione is a PUBLIC LIAR when he states otherwise!

This is Medford's hardworking, crusading journalist.

This is Joseph Viglione - Public Liar!!! And this is the truth!

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