Monday, May 27, 2013

Wincam employee Public Liar Joe Viglione made a complete and utter fool of by Special Needs individual John Byers

Public figure Joe Viglione has referred to John Byers on his blogs in many ways.

Sometimes Joe Viglione calls John Byers a Special Needs individual.

Sometimes Joe Viglione calls John Byers mentally challenged.

Sometimes Joe Viglione calls John Byers mildly autistic.

Sometimes Joe Viglione calls John Byers a local politician.

Sometimes Joe Viglione calls John Byers a mayoral candidate.

But whatever else Joe Viglione may call John Byers, Joe Viglione considers John Byers to be his lackey - his stooge (but he never tells Johnny this). Joe Viglione tells lies to John Byers about Mayor McGlynn. Joe Viglione does not tell John Byers that they are lies. Then John Byers repeats those lies when he phones in to Open House With Ziggy Bush. Joe Viglione tells John Byers to call Arthur DeLuca and pump him for information and report it back to Joe. Joe Viglione tells John Byers to feed Arthur DeLuca certain information then to call Joe back and tell him how it went.

How Do we know this? Simple - Joe Viglione says so on his blogs. here are a few of those things Joe has written on his blogs this month. Here is an example (from public figure Joe Viglione's blog) of John Byers pumping Arthur DeLuca for information:
The FACT that Art Deluca told John Byers that he had informed the board there are connectivity issues in Medford Square means you either have "the blind leading the blind" or some kind of malfeasance (Judge Jackson - Thompson's choice of a word), some kind of alleged MALFEASANCE going on.
Here is an example (from public figure Joe Viglione's blog) of John Byers feeding Arthur DeLuca planted information:
Frank Pilleri orders Arthur Deluca to phone Johnny Byers to pump Johnny for information.

1)How stupid is the self-appointed "president' of the fraud access TV station not even on the air, not having generated new programming, new shows in about 5 months...

a)even Johnny knows that critical information cannot be divulged to him. Johnny loves to brag that he knows things. So Johnny only tells what we want him to know
Public figure Joe Viglione has taught special needs individual John Byers that it's okay for him to lie to get someone into trouble if they've done him wrong. Public figure Joe Viglione has turned special needs individual John Byers into quite the little liar. But of course, public figure Joe Viglione already knows all of this.

Well here's something you DON'T Know, Joe. John Byers is no longer in communication with Arthur DeLuca. Arthur DeLuca has refused to talk with John Byers since before Christmas. Special needs individual John Byers has become so good at lying that he's been lying to you for FIVE MONTHS. Special needs individual John Byers has been making up everything he's said to you that he claims to have learned in conversations with Arthur DeLuca. Special needs individual John Byer has NOT passed on any of your planted stories to Arthur DeLuca because he has not talked to Arthur DeLuca.

So when you talk about mentally challenged, special needs, mildly autistic, local politician, mayoral candidate John Byers by any or all of these names... whatever negative opinion you have of john Byers' metal capabilities; KNOW THIS ONE FACT

John Byers is still smart enough to have made a complete and utter fool out of you!

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