Pursuant to the City of Medford Cable Television Renewal License, Section 6.3 PUBLIC ACCESS CORPORATION the Mayor of Medford is required to - REQUIRED TO - "DESIGNATE AN ENTITY TO PROVIDE SERVICES TO PUBLIC ACCESS USERS AS FOLLOWS:

Hey Joe, you either need new glasses or a new brain because you fail to either see or understand what you have just written. Let me point it out to you.
the Mayor of Medford is required to an entity
Do you understand now, Joe? The Mayor's requirment by contract is to
D-E-S-I-G-N-A-T-E. The Mayor did designate. He designated Medford Community Cablevision.
You claim to be a legitimate news source, Mr. public figure. If this is an example of your "professional journalism" then you are a failure at it! If this is an example of your parodies, then you are a failure at that because it's not in the least bit humorous.
What your blog entry IS an example of is the passage in the Woburn court judge's paper which states that your writings are of such poor quality that no respectable segment of the community would believe them or take them seriously.
How's it feel to not be taken seriously buy anyone respectable? (cue the Mick Jagger music here)

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