Hate Mail...TV3 goes beyond cyber stalking
103,007 This is a job for James Bond
11:44 PM
The nitwits at TV3 commit a Federal Offense when they put a stamp on a letter and send hate mail.
What idiots. No one can read it because the correspondence goes directly to the police lab.
One such correspondence was handed to a police lieutenant at an office up Route 93 in March.
Today's hate mail - unread - directly in the mail to the crime lab...
Also sent a specific note about the harassment to a couple of lawyers who are being advised about this (and who then advise.)
ADP, Alberg, Delucia, Pilleri:
The entrenched cronies aren't just stupid at TV3...they are ultra stupid.
Don't even want to touch their filth...picked it up with a pair of scissors, put it in a big manila envelope, and mailed it from another city directly to the crime lab
Does the Alliance for Community Media have an ACM award for dumbest access manager in the history of the planet?
(Wonder if this week's hate mail was focused on his Aunty Doria. Don't know, don't care...it's in the hands of the police now...)
Delusions of persecution, paranoia, references to imagined filth (as in bugs, not as in pornography)... Joe, are you on drugs?
But we do have a question on this one portion in particular. It goes:
Today's hate mail - unread - directly in the mail to the crime lab...
Joe, if you actually got something in the US mail today but did not read it, did not open it (as you say you did not), then how could you know if it's hate mail? You couldn't unless you were the one who sent it to yourself. Is this a Freudian slip? Next thing you know, you'll be wanting a pair of matching bra & panties.

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