Little monkey Joe
Dancing to and fro
Dance, monkey Dance
In your underpants
And here's the resolution that Bob Penta will have "little monkey Joe" Viglione dancing to in just a few short hours:
13-534-Offered by Councillor Penta
Be It Resolved that the City Solicitor report back as to whether the city is exposed to any liability resulting from the City's, channel 3, public access station personnel moving from from 5 High Street to 32 Riverside Avenue
Hey Joe... we'll save you the trouble of sweating out the answer. It's , of course the City isn't libel for anything - their name is not on the contract. Bob Penta must be reduced to a real idiot to not understand that and have to ask it on a City Council resolution. Anyone should be able to figure that out. Oh wait... that's right; I read somewhere on an internet blog (was it one of your old posts, Joe?) that Bob Penta failed the bar exam -

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