When called out on this by one brave passer-by, public figure Joe Viglione alibied his condition saying "Hey, I've been pissing my pants laughing so hard at what's coming down the pike for Tv3. It's going to be monumental!" Most people just shook their heads in and gave him a wide berth, being sure to remain upwind of him as he headed in the direction of Governor's Ave. One person swore they heard Joe crypticly mentioning something about having an appointment with "The King" on the Summit up behind the Medford Historical Society.
We here at Information Central Medford don't know as we believe these rumors; but if we were forced to venture a reason for public figure Joe Viglione's new type of odd behavior, we'd just chalk it up to his being insane and let it go at that without expending the time for any further thought.

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