Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Wincam employee Public Liar Joe Viglione cannot understand this week's Medford City Council resolution

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog tonight he writes;
City Council to grill Medford Community Cablevision, Inc.

That's a rather odd thing to say, Joe. How do you come by this interpretation of the City Council's agenda for tomorrow? Here... let me post the full text of the only agenda item involving TV3.
13-522-Offered by Councillor Penta Be It Resolved that the city Solicitor report to the council what, if any, liability issues would be evident if the City Administration allows channel 3, the non-profit public access channel to house their transmission equipment at city hall in order for them to function at 32 Riverside Ave, a non Comcast and non Verizon cable access location.
Joe, it says here that the City Council wants a report from the City Solicitor (that's Mark Rumley). Nowhere on the resolution does is say anyone wants to question anyone from TV3. Why would you think anyone from TV3 might show up for this agenda item? The Council is asking for legal opinions/statements on the City's liability. This is something that no one at TV3 Medford would be qualified to comment on. This is something that no one at TV3 medford would know. This is something that no one but the City Solicitor's office would have any information on.

This is also something that you, public figure Joe Viglione, will get up to the podium and speak at great lengths on, even though you actually and factually know absolutely nothing about it! You're going to make a great big ass of yourself on live TV tomorrow night, Joe. I'll make popcorn and munch on it as I sit in my armchair watching you "perform" for the cameras like a trained Circus animal.

P.S. Bob Penta is sure to make an even bigger ass of himself tomorrow night so here's a gif for him too.

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