Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Two-faced Wincam employee public liar Joe Viglione lies again

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog this morning he repeats one of the lies he told at last night's City Council meeting. He writes:
The fellow wrote to Mr. Pilleri to get the tape on the air and Pilleri didn't send membership forms, failed to sign up the members of the band and the producer, did no outreach when outreach came directly to him.

If public figure (and public liar) Joe Viglione were to repeat the actual story, it would reveal that at the time he originally alleged this incident; Tv3 Medford was between studios at Canal St to 5 High st. (and between City Contracts) There was nothing to join, no terms had been set, Therefore no one could be a member & have anything played. At that time TV3 played archive inventory tapes of old shows that they had a co-copyright in and could legally cablecast. Mr Viglione would have you believe something nefarious was going on, but the only thing nefarious is Joe Viglione himself.

By the way Joe, last night was not a trial, it has no legal standing. It was just the City Council making a request of the mayor; the same request you have been making to the mayor for the past ten years. If it had been an actual trial, your "testimony" about that incident would have been inadmissable as heresay. When it came down to actual trials between you and MCC, at no time did you ever win any money from Tv3. At no time was any punishment given to Tv3. At no time did the court rescind your ban from Tv3. At no time did you leave the court with more than had when you came in to it. But TV3 did win money from you. Tv3 did get a judgement of libel commited by you against it. Tv3 did get a statement from the judge that you know nothing about business. Tv3 did get a statement from the judge that you know next to nothing about public access. Tv3 did get a statement from the judge that "no respectible segment of the community would ever believe you." This written document from the judge will stay with their publicly available records. This written document from the judge will stay with you for the rest of your life!

Mike McGlynn is a respectable person; he does not believe you. Mark Rumley is a respectable person; he does not believe you. Bob Maiocco is a respectable person; he does not believe you. Bob Penta believes you; he is NOT a respectable person. You, Joe Viglione believe you; you are not a respectable person. Well what do you know - the judge was right! It works!
You, Joe Viglione are a public liar and that is on public record FOREVER!

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