Monday, June 3, 2013

Wincam employee public liar Joe Viglione proves he still knows nothing about Public Access. How does he hold down his job?

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog last night he wrote:
instead of working hard to keep John Byers' sports show on the air.

Hey, Joe... Public Access stations aren't supposed to work at keeping someone's show on their channel; that's the job of the show's producer. John Byers decided to stop doing his show, then he let his membership expire, so his show no longer runs. John Byers is also ineligible to rejoin TV3 because he does NOT agree to abide by its rules. The P&P clearly states that all producers will hold MCC, TV3 it's staff, management and board of directors blameless for the fate of their show. John Byers keeps blaming the TV3 staff for his show's failure, in violation of the agreement he signed to do otherwise.

Hey, that's kind of like what you do Joe... blame everyone else for your own failures. How's that working out for you?

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