Friday, June 14, 2013

Wincam employee public figure Joe Viglione now controls Bob Penta

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog this morning he writes the most amusing things, proving just how clueless Joe is about how business works, how public access works and demonstrates how he does not know how to read & understand contracts. he writes:
Council Resloution to RESCIND CONTRACT and shut down tv3 105,395 10:03 AM Frank Pilleri better bring the documents to City Hall on Tuesday June 18

Now it remains to be seen whether or not this is an actual council resolution on the agenda (notice that Joe Viglione did not include the resolution number with it) or just another one of clueless Joe Viglione's pipe dreams (and if you, dear readers, do not know the meaning and origin of the phrase "pipe dream" you will be most pleasantly amused when you look it up), but it is yet another totally useless (and totally powerless) resolution if it is actually brought to the City Council to be discussed & voted upon. The Medford City Council has absolutely no jurisdiction over TV3 Medford and no jurisdiction over the City Contract with TV3 Medford. Further, the legal process by which the contract can be rescinded has to go through many steps. There are written notification periods, then reply periods, redress periods etc. It takes many months before things would be able to reach the stage of court action being filed. Then a court date would have to be set. The whole process would take two to two and a half years. The contract expires in about 22 months. You do the math, Joe.

So Joe, any City Councillor suggesting that the City go this route (which will incur legal expenses) is going to look like the Damn Fool that he is. But you go ahead and order your new puppet Bob Penta to do just that very thing, would you. We could use more laughs on Tuesday night!

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