Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Is Wincam employee public liar Joe Viglione into beastiality?

On public figure Joe Viglione's blog this morning he writes:
Is the webmaster being paid to put up phony blogs of a Kangaroo having sex with another kangaroo?

Hey Joe... we have a question for you. How do you know that's a phony picture? How do you know that the kangaroo isn't really having sex with that other kangaroo? Are you some kind of an expert on animal sex? Taking your fascination with this kangaroo topic and coupling it with the questions you asked Frank Pilleri about the sex life of his dog (the questions that cost you money in the Cambridge Courthouse in Medford when you lost the lawsuit to Frank when he won it against you); taking all this into avccount, we must now ask you the following question: are you a devotee of beastiality, Joe? What really goes on between you and those alleged cats of yours, Joe? Does the ASPCA need to come in to your Garfield Ave residence for an intervention?

Do your neighbors know what actually goes on in your household when the windows are shut tight and the blinds are drawn? These are public safety and human decency issues, Joe.

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