Saturday, June 15, 2013

Wincam employee public liar Joe Viglione is close to cracking

On public liar Joe Viglione's blog today he rants & rants & rants. He rants because Arthur DeLuca is countering every one of public figure Joe Viglione's lies on an "article" Joe has written on the Medford Patch. If you go read that article, you will see it is nothing more than a copy of one of his blog posts. Joe Viglione wrote it there in the hopes of getting new eyes to read it. he is failing! People are sick to death of hearing Joe Vigione's bullshit. Joe is slipping further into his delusions, hiding from reality as each of his lies are revealed like peeling layers off an artichoke. Joe just restates all his lies in an attempt to counter Arthur DeLuca's truthful tellings.

Joe, don't you realize that actual court documents that any citizen has the right to see fully expose your lies about what happened in court? This is how delusional you are, this is how mentally sick you are, that you will tell these things that can undeniably be proven to be lies. Yet you DO deny them. You are a sick man, Joe. A very mentally sick man. This is a conclusion that any reasonable person would make upon viewing your writings and seeing the actual truth behind what you write. These are not parodies you are writng, they are the desperate cries for help from a mentally sick individual. You need serious mental help Joe and you need it at once. Whatever treatments you may be going through, whatever medicines you mat be taking; they are not working Joe.

Look at all the harm your actions have caused to you, Joe. You are even on one airline's "No Fly" list because of your insane vendetta. Being a bully is not a good thing, Joe; it's not the way you should act. You are banned forever from TV3 Medford, Joe, and rightly so. No individual upon seeing and hearing the actual truth of the circumstances surrounding your ban sides with you. They see the truth that you deserve that ban. This is why no court, regulatory agency, law enforcement, government branch has made MCC revoke that ban. You fucked up over MCC, Joe. get over it. You can't play in their yard any more. Take your marbles and go play somewhere else. That's the way it is and that's the way it's going to stay.

What you do not realize is, that if you do manage to get MCC shut down, you will still lose everything. Their artciles of incorporation require MCC to sell off all their assets and donate the money to charity should when they dissolve. They will have to sell all the equipment, leaving no money & no equipment for the next entity to run public access. You think this new corporation you are forming can run TV3 without any money & without any equipment? Does your new corporation even have the money it takes to incorporate?

But that's really your ultimate goal, Joe - your endgame, isn't it? If you can't have TV3 for yourself then NO ONE can. That's what it's all about for you, Joe - isn't it? Just a vendetta; just sick revenge from a sick pathetic old individual who only knows how to destroy - not create.

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