The truth is emerging on Medford Community Cablevision, Inc.Hey Joe... what wrongful conduct? You keep saying the policie should arrest the board of Tv3. You keep saying that judges should sentence the board of TV3. But you have yet in all the years you've written about this, been able to come up with anything illegal that the board of directors has done.
The constant lies dripping from the mouths of the entrenched cronies are now snakes circling around the necks of the board of directors. They have been exposed and their wrongful conduct is enabled by the Issuing Authority, Michael J. McGlynn.
Without illegalities there are no crimes.
Without crimes there are no charges.
Without charges there are no trials.
Without trials there are no convictions.
Without convictions there are no sentences.
And lastly, without sentences for the board of directors of TV3, we have a very frustrated Joe Viglione relieving his frustrations by humping the foundation of 32 Riverside Ave.

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