Friday, June 21, 2013

Wincam employee public liar Joe Viglione actually admits on his own blog to his willful defamation of TV3 Medford

This one is almost beyond belief, people; that Joe Viglione would be so monumentally STUPID as to publicly publish this; but here it is, right from public figure Joe Viglione's own blog :
THE TOWN OF HINGHAM REFERENCES MEDFORD AS HOW NOT TO RUN ACCESS! Irma Lauter directed the Committee’s attention to two documents describing the City of Medford’s difficulties with its non-profit community cablevision operating and management corporation.

• “Report on present state of Public Access Television in the City of Medford” by City Solicitor Mark E. Rumley, dated February 10, 2008

• “Medford Community Cablevision, Inc. and TV3 Medford Hearing Results, Findings, and Recommendations” by Hon. Marie O. Jackson Thompson, dated August 5, 2009

Joe, you had this placed on that committee's agenda and brought those documents to their committee yourself to be discussed and entered into their public record, just the way you do at Medford City Council Meetings. That's why it's there. Now you have the gaul to pass it off here like the town wanted to discuess this on their own. And you think your readers are stupid enough to believe you.

But you've given us a simply wonderful idea, Joe. We're going to compile a factual dossier on you of all the lies you've posted, all the court cases you've been involved in and lost, etc etc etc. We're going to give it to Tv3, along with a list of every City & town your show plays in (so nicely provided by you on one of your websites) and then they will take it to each of those cities & towns, have themselves placed on their Council agendas, and then they will discuss in great detail what these cities and towns need to be prepared for when they finally cross you and you begin your savage attacks on each of them.

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