Monday, June 3, 2013

Wincam employee public liar Joe Viglione thinks Government agencies can help him shut down TV3 Medford

On Public Liar Joe Viglione's blog postings for the past several weeks, foolish Joe keeps mentioning how he's in contact with all these Government agencies. He tells us all how they're investigating Tv3 Medford. He tells us all how they have the authority to shut down Tv3 Medford. He tells us all how they will shut down TV3 Medford. But in reality... public liar Joe Viglione hasn't got a clue.

Hey Joe, let me give you a clue. The following is a list of all Government agencies who can shut down TV3 Medford:


Got that Joe? NO Government Agency has the authority to shut down TV3 Medford. TV3 Medford needs no licence to operate. TV3 Medford does not need to be a public charity to operate. TV3 Medford does not need a tax exempt status to operate. TV3 Medford does not need to be incorporated to operate. TV3 Medford does not need the approval of the City Council to operate.

So even if the IRS revoked their tax exempt status, TV3 Medford word operate. Even if their public charity status were revoked, TV3 Medford would operate. Even if the State of Massachusetts revoked their corporate status, TV3 Medford would operate. Even if the Attorney General's office etc etc etc, TV3 Medford would ope Trate. It would operate because MCC has a legally binding contract with the City to operate TV3 Medford. Even if somehow MCC were to be declared "unmade" then the person who signed the contract (Frank Pileri) would be under obligation to, and would in fact, run it.

There are ONLY TWO WAYS for Medford Community Cablevision to stop operating TV3 Medford.
1) When their contract runs out (and they do not get a new contract) - This cannot happen before April 19, 2015 as this is when their contract runs out.
2) The City goes through court proceedings to cancel the contract. This will take approximately 2 1/2 years, placing the date at December 3rd 2015 - nearly eight months after the contract expires.

Bottom line Joe, no matter what you do, no matter what anyone does, Medford Community Cablevision under the leadership of Frank Pilleri will be operating TV3 Medford up to and including April 19th 2015. whether you like it or not; and they already know that you don't like it.

So tell us, Joe, how's it feel for you to be doomed to failure at trying to shut MCC down?

1 comment:

  1. First of all Joe is not a Staff member of Wincam, he's not an employee. He's a VOLUNTEER MEMBER. And frankly TV 3 is a disgrace. You bully people in the town who oppose the station's way of operating and call people racist and homophobic slurs, and even berated a black woman and called her the N word several times and constantly harass Joe and others who don't agree with how you're running things, and slash people's tires, call people names at public meetings, and threaten people with physical injury and even threaten people's lives. You're station has been closed for months and what do you have to show for it? You are stupid enough to put a tv studio in the BASEMENT of a building in an area with LOW elevation not far from the banks of a river that FLOODS a lot. and then wonder why the studio gets damaged in a flood!?? What a joke. Wincam is WAYYYYY better than Medford from what I've seen from your productions. Wincam has had numerous high profile guests at the studio on Visual Radio and other shows, and I produce/direct a 3 camera Music show the Music closet which has had bands and singers come from as far away as Los Angeles, Jamaica, Virginia and New Jersey and Nashville Tenn. We have way better programming over the years and WAYY better equipment than TV 3. just come down to our studio and check out our new lighting board and lighting system our green screen set, our switcher and final cut editors. WINCAM will always BEAT TV 3 hands down. Stop bashing Joe Viglione he has every right to let the people of Medford know what your station is doing the Mismanagement of TV 3 and the money that you are wasting that the taxpayers of Medford are paying for. Medford deserves a quality TV Studio and hopefully Joe Viglione will be able to get a new studio up and running in Medford to replace the dispicable tv 3 and the so called executives of TV 3
