answer the questions Frankie....
Do you have a Quorum?
And then public figure Joe Viglione goes on to imply that Frank Pilleri does not have a quorum. Well of course Frank has a quorum, Joe. A quorum is one more than half of the existing board members; not one more than half the number of board members that could exist. Medford Community Cablevision is set up to allow for a thirteen member board. If all 13 positions have been filled, then a quorum would be seven. If the board is down to only four existing board members, leaving 9 positions unfilled (as you claim it is) then half of four is two. One more than half of four is three. So a quorum of three is exactly, factually correct in that situation. A corporation is allowed to exist with empty board seats. The only legal requirement for the number of board positiions to be filled is that there are enough to be able to fill all the officer positions. Boy, math was never your strong point was it?
Just what exactly is your strong point, Joe? Oh, now I rememebr... you are an adjudged libeller. That means you, Joe Viglione are a ! The Cambridge judge in the lawsuit both MCC and Frank Pilleri won against you said so in his written (and recorded in the public record) decision.

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