Actually it's more like a "Joe Viglione Wanted" poster.

This online magazine provides a public service looking at all aspects of the lies told by a certain Award-Winning Public Figure; lies about Medford life, roads & storefronts. The truth can be found here documented for easy distribution; information he does NOT want revealed.
THE TOWN OF HINGHAM REFERENCES MEDFORD AS HOW NOT TO RUN ACCESS! Irma Lauter directed the Committee’s attention to two documents describing the City of Medford’s difficulties with its non-profit community cablevision operating and management corporation.
• “Report on present state of Public Access Television in the City of Medford” by City Solicitor Mark E. Rumley, dated February 10, 2008
• “Medford Community Cablevision, Inc. and TV3 Medford Hearing Results, Findings, and Recommendations” by Hon. Marie O. Jackson Thompson, dated August 5, 2009
The tough questions were asked of the station that had to leave 40 Canal Street under a cloud of suspicion ten years ago. You can't get a straight answer out of the TV3 President, Frank Pilleri, who claimed the building was going to be "razed." It wasn't. It was just that ...suddenly ...a beautiful studio was no longer functioning and ...suddenly ...the city's property was on the curb being thrown out with the trash.
The fellow wrote to Mr. Pilleri to get the tape on the air and Pilleri didn't send membership forms, failed to sign up the members of the band and the producer, did no outreach when outreach came directly to him.
Now do the simple math...McGlynn has had a lot of events we've been at..."Medford Update" at City Hall, Verizon Announcement at Medford High School, etc. etc. and usually you have Jack Dempsey...but, suddenly, from out of the the TV3 thing heats up...the Mayor hires his old buddy Joe Fortunato to take pictures at Carroll's Restaurant.
On June 18th, 2013 Camuso saw no friends of TV3 in the audience. ON the contrary, the audience was filled with people who were outraged at what they called an INCOMPETENT STATION.
As a follow up to my June 14 essay, Building an Access Television Station for the city of Medford, readers may want to know where the monies for Public, Educational and Governmental Access TV come from (P/E/G is the sort-of acronym, with slash marks in between.) It is the franchise fee on your cable TV bill and it is found on two separate lines on your bill if you have Comcast. The director of operations for Medford Community Cablevision, Inc. stated on May 21, 2013 to the City Council that it was a mere thirty five cents, and he stated this as if it were a fact. The fact is that the two fees on one recent bill were Sixty Eight cents for the "Franchise Related Cost" (almost double the small 35 cent figure given to the community by TV3) as well as an additional $3.97 for what is called the Franchise Fee under TV. So that's $4.65 total, and hold onto that number as we explore the cable subscriber base and do a little arithmetic.
QUOTE: "I know we censor, but I don't care, as long as my show gets played." Arthur Alan Deluca to a station outside of Medford
We won a libel lawsuit against you Joe. The Court decided that you do lie. Even in the Woburn suit we lost, the judge said what you wrote was untrue. He just didn't think it was defamatory because he didn't think anyone would believe, you so he decided Dawn wasn't defamed. Do you understand this, Joe? A judge has stated that he does not think anyone will believe your writings. Why the Patch allows someone a judge says will not be believed write stories for them is a mystery. You have Z-E-R-O credibility!To which we add. these rulings are going to follow you for the rest of your life, Joe. What a thing to have on your job resume, that a judge has decreed that no one will believe you - oops let me quallify that by stating it the way the judge did. "upon taking your writings as a whole, no respectable segment of the community will believe them".
Rather than focus on the corruption in City Government that Bob Penta made a priority as Councilor - he is, after all, the TV3 Councilor - the one who has gone after the station the most, Councilor Penta - I believe - made a blatant and calculated attack on the Transgender community (and a red herring of a discussion about Egypt) to distance himself - and his City Council which he has served on the longest - so that he can, and I'm paraphrasing the councilor "not go after TV 3 in an election year, because they'll" go after him.
When the community hears what the tipster told me about Maiocco and Penta and what they are REALLY up to, you will all vomit. This is a promise. They will reveal their mischief at an upcoming Council meeting and - get this - it is SO BAD for the Community it makes TV3 look like an afterthought. IT IS THAT BAD!
And it could cost Penta the election. But he made his choice. (and it has NOTHING to do with TV3, nothing at all. It's WORSE!)
And B.P., throwing me under the bus isn't the smartest of moves. Shame on you. When the public finds out it WILL cost you the election, and that one you can't blame on me. That's your choice that truly has nothing to do with me. I can't be bought but, obviously, that might not exactly be true for well-paid councilors. Hope the informant is wrong, but your new allegiance to Dello Russo, Camuso & Maiocco says otherwise.
Mr. Maiocco has already proven to be an embarrassment in public, so the only reason for his nemesis, his "old friend Penta", to buddy up with Maiocco in the twilight years of their being on this council (in desperate need of new blood) says to those of us who study the council on a weekly basis that "something is rotten in Medford."
When the community hears what the tipster told me about Maiocco and Penta and what they are REALLY up to, you will all vomit. This is a promise. They will reveal their mischief at an upcoming Council meeting and - get this - it is SO BAD for the Community it makes TV3 look like an afterthought. IT IS THAT BAD!
And it could cost Penta the election. But he made his choice. (and it has NOTHING to do with TV3, nothing at all. It's WORSE!)
I'm not at liberty to reveal it but it is THAT BAD! And it is going to happen right under David Skerry's nose and Skerry's not even involved in this upcoming ugly episode of life in Medford! IT IS WORSE THAN ANY SCHEME DAVID SKERRY COULD IMAGINE! It is THAT BAD! (If this doesn't get Chief Sacco to turn on his friend McGlynn and get the police EVEN MORE pissed off at the Mayor, nothing will!)
Worse than the TV3 scandal...and these councilors think they'll get re-elected when they try to pull this stunt off! It's so bad it makes the Water Taxi debacle look like a Rubber Duckie movie. IT IS THAT BAD FOR THE CITY!
It's so bad David Skerry will be impressed with the lack of integrity the Councilors are soon going to display. In fact, it's so bad that David Skerry is going to say "My God, they crossed a line I wouldn't even THINK about touching." Yes, it's THAT BAD!
Here's a little hint. After I removed Uncle Gene McGillicuddy from MHA the Mayor must've gone ballistic and tried to figure out a way to drive a wedge between Penta and yours truly.
To go THIS FAR is stunning. I mean, I'm impressed that I have THAT MUCH power to make McGlynn go to THIS extreme!
And B.P., throwing me under the bus isn't the smartest of moves. Shame on you. When the public finds out it WILL cost you the election, and that one you can't blame on me. That's your choice that truly has nothing to do with me. I can't be bought but, obviously, that might not exactly be true for well-paid councilors. Hope the informant is wrong, but your new allegiance to Dello Russo, Camuso & Maiocco says otherwise.
City Council of Medford Attacks Transgender Community
81,296 page views as of 8:36 am 3-14-13
Breaking News
235 days 16 hours until election day November 5, 2013
CITY COUNCIL ATTACKS TRANSGENDER COMMUNITY IN MEDFORD! Verbal assault by a councilor on children who might want to be a man one day (???) and a woman the next...on any given day (paraphrased)
All Rights Reserved
Information Central
Your REAL EYE on Medford tm
vote Mayor Michael J. McGlynn and his crony-infested City Council and angry, tiny board of directors of TV3 out this November!
Thursday, March 14, 2013 8:48 AM
Dear City Council:
A cruel assault was launched by Councilor Penta on the Transgender community this week, but before we get into that, lets look at a theory as to WHY Mr. Penta made the disturbing, inflammatory comment. And if you care not to read this, don't worry, thousands of people will when it posts on my VERY POPULAR blog in the next few minutes (81,296 hits and being viewed at a staggering rate; almost a hit per minute when I did the live feed from the City Council on Tuesday).
When Mayor McGlynn was called on the carpet for hiring his daughters while being the Chairman of the School Committee, why didn't the City Council call him out for using the P/E/G monies to fund THREE TEACHER'S SALARIES?
That $183,000.00 or so freed up money and his daughters are hired by the school system, so there is no way the misappropriation of P/E/G monies to pay for school salaries (not paying for school equipment, which is the designation for those cable subscriber fees) doesn't affect his daughters chances of employment in a positive way for direct family members...and a negative way for cable TV subscribers.
Rather than focus on the corruption in City Government that Bob Penta made a priority as Councilor - he is, after all, the TV3 Councilor - the one who has gone after the station the most, Councilor Penta - I believe - made a blatant and calculated attack on the Transgender community (and a red herring of a discussion about Egypt) to distance himself - and his City Council which he has served on the longest - so that he can, and I'm paraphrasing the councilor "not go after TV 3 in an election year, because they'll" go after him.
That's pretty much a direct quote. Councilor Penta has decided NOT TO EARN the $525.00 a week that he doesn't need so that he doesn't have to go after the Issuing Authority (ahhh...that conflict with being on a board for the Brooks Estate again) and TV 3. It is, much like Councilors Dello Russo, Camuso and Maiocco, more about self-preservation and ego - the delusion that being on the Medford City Council is some kind of prestige (all seven Councilors are virtually unknown outside of the Medford City Limits, and pretty much INSIDE the city limits as well) than it is about helping the people paying their outrageous salaries.
Ask Bob Maiocco to run for Congress, let's see how reviled Maiocco truly is in Massachusetts when he gets no substantial votes, and when his sins become public record in the process.
This City Council needs to look up "insensitive Transgender remarks" on Search Engines.
On Tuesday evening, March 12, 2013, Councilor Robert Penta again made offensive remarks about the transgender / LGBT community that - and this is paraphrasing Mr. Penta - "someone can decide to be a man on Thursday and a woman on another day of the week." Frankly, it's the kind of potty-mouth thing you expect to hear from the dirty lips of Ronald Delucia, the man who hates disabled people, or racist Harvey Alberg, or the creepy remark by Doria Alberg about "Eucharistic minister...and you've got a hair across your b#^@" or the sinister Francis R. Pilleri, Jr., not from a City Councilor looking for respect.
(Mrs. Alberg - who writes delusional as "dillusional" - she cannot even spell simple words, uses a vulgar term at a City Council meeting, aimed at a councilor, and brags about being some false minister/prophet or something. For shame!)
That remark (by Robert Penta on Transgender people) was far from insensitive: it is offensive.
At Mr. Penta's age, and his longevity on the City Council, the remarks are viewed by me as premeditated, meant to defame, and intentionally ignorant to inflame the Transgender community to garner Penta some press in an election year.
That Council President Robert Maiocco, Fred Dello Russo Jr. and Paul A. Camuso are all moving like planets in alignment with Mr. Penta is regrettable and quite troubling.
Mr. Maiocco has already proven to be an embarrassment in public, so the only reason for his nemesis, his "old friend Penta", to buddy up with Maiocco in the twilight years of their being on this council (in desperate need of new blood) says to those of us who study the council on a weekly basis that "something is rotten in Medford."
When the community hears what the tipster told me about Maiocco and Penta and what they are REALLY up to, you will all vomit. This is a promise. They will reveal their mischief at an upcoming Council meeting and - get this - it is SO BAD for the Community it makes TV3 look like an afterthought. IT IS THAT BAD!
And it could cost Penta the election. But he made his choice. (and it has NOTHING to do with TV3, nothing at all. It's WORSE!)
I'm not at liberty to reveal it but it is THAT BAD! And it is going to happen right under David Skerry's nose and Skerry's not even involved in this upcoming ugly episode of life in Medford! IT IS WORSE THAN ANY SCHEME DAVID SKERRY COULD IMAGINE! It is THAT BAD! (If this doesn't get Chief Sacco to turn on his friend McGlynn and get the police EVEN MORE pissed off at the Mayor, nothing will!)
Worse than the TV3 scandal...and these councilors think they'll get re-elected when they try to pull this stunt off! It's so bad it makes the Water Taxi debacle look like a Rubber Duckie movie. IT IS THAT BAD FOR THE CITY!
It's so bad David Skerry will be impressed with the lack of integrity the Councilors are soon going to display. In fact, it's so bad that David Skerry is going to say "My God, they crossed a line I wouldn't even THINK about touching." Yes, it's THAT BAD!
Here's a little hint. After I removed Uncle Gene McGillicuddy from MHA the Mayor must've gone ballistic and tried to figure out a way to drive a wedge between Penta and yours truly.
To go THIS FAR is stunning. I mean, I'm impressed that I have THAT MUCH power to make McGlynn go to THIS extreme!
And B.P., throwing me under the bus isn't the smartest of moves. Shame on you. When the public finds out it WILL cost you the election, and that one you can't blame on me. That's your choice that truly has nothing to do with me. I can't be bought but, obviously, that might not exactly be true for well-paid councilors. Hope the informant is wrong, but your new allegiance to Dello Russo, Camuso & Maiocco says otherwise.
Now the job of elected officials paid a minimum of FIVE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS A WEEK is to:
a)listen to the community paying them a salary that is THREE TIMES what Woburn pays its City Councilors
b)act on behalf of the citizens of Medford, not looking into their self-interests
c)behave in a professional manner, even if irritated by the public finding out secrets about the elected officials - y'know, a Council President's family selling a house to the family of the Mayor under two names that look suspiciously like they are intentionally disguising that fact: a total lack of transparency, or Councilor Penta being on a board for the Brooks Estate while sitting on the City Council (It is just as bad - if not worse - than TV3's Harvey Alberg creating a dummy corporation - Savant Technology Inc. - to attempt to get the web-design business from the other board he sits on, Medford Community Cablevision, Inc....and the Council embracing Alberg and failing to protect the cable TV subscriber monies)
__________________________________________________ Mr. Penta will counter that he makes no profit from the Brooks Estate. That doesn't matter.
Elected officials need to be held to the highest of standards and if Camuso and Maiocco "recuse" themselves from the Brooks while Maiocco does NOT recuse himself for voting for himself, residents see the little power game going on with the appearance of impropriety as obvious as it is vulgar.
Something dirty rotten is going on at the City Council of Medford, which is why Maiocco is so hostile to this reporter.
Robert A. Maiocco discriminated against me on Tuesday night. Maiocco often singles me out because my reporting exposes Maiocco for the fraud that he is. As one elected official said to me "Maiocco spent two weeks in front of the mirror preparing for that speech."
Robert A. Maiocco's ignorance to the needs of the residents of Medford comes from his deep psychological problems. He looks like a little Napolean using short, ugly bursts of venom to belittle individuals...try this one on for size "It's time for a new president of TV3, things would be a lot better down there."
Now on its face, that's an accurate comment that we all can agree with 100%. But Maiocco's job isn't to bully Frank Pilleri, another bully. That becomes what is known as a "pissing contest" between two individuals who stole the position of "president", one person bullying his way on as Council President, the other failing to convince Judge Timothy Gailey that perjury wasn't committed when Pilleri bullied his way back on to the presidency of TV3 by using State Rep Paul Donato's girlfriend's name when Susan Crowley was no longer ON the board of TV3, along with the name of Paul Gerety and Pilleri's own Los Angeles based son.
Rather than go to the Mayor, the Issuing Authority, and demand the removal of Pilleri for illegitimately rising to power at the non-profit and not being honest with city monies, Maiocco instead makes a jackass out of himself ridiculing another suspicious individual, Frank Pilleri, in public. It was the bully bullying the bully.
That doesn't help our community. It was one individual with low-self image, Maiocco, attacking another individual with very low self-image, Pilleri, once again giving evidence as to why both of them are the poster children for TERM LIMITS.
I have supported Robert M. Penta for years, supported him with my vote, supported him in my public speeches. For Mr. Penta to fail to do the job he is being paid to do, which is to look into the Judge Jackson-Thompson report until the Mayor speaks on it, is why we now hear Mr. Penta talking about Egypt (?????) and creating a distraction by calculating the risk of belittling and defaming the Transgender community.
It was no accident that Mr. Penta chose the deplorable statement about choosing your sex on any given day of the week: Penta is not some novice, he cannot feign ignorance the way the corrupt Mayor of Medford makes this absurd and foolish quip about a 26-year incumbent Mayor (whose daddy was Mayor, as well as his cousin being Mayor) that he doesn't know the ethics laws:
Medford school officials possibly violating state ethics laws ...
Sep 20, 2012 – Mayor Michael J. McGlynn says he did not violate state ethics law because his daughters were not on the city payroll when school budgets ...
That's the self-inoculation
“There are so many chapters of laws you have to pay attention to,” said McGlynn. “I don’t’ think anyone can cite them verbatim. I don’t think anyone intentionally violated the law.”
Read more: Medford school officials possibly violating state ethics laws - Medford, Massachusetts - Medford Transcript Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike Follow us: @WickedLocal on Twitter | 119311408344 on Facebook
1. ESPN 980 Hosts Suspended for Remarks about Transgender ...
Dec 12, 2012 – ESPN 980 Hosts Suspended for Remarks about Transgender ... on deaf ears as both hosts were suspended for their insensitive comments.
Mayor Michael J. McGlynn chose a gay basher, Joe Fitzgerald of the Boston Herald, to write a column about "diversity" in the city of Medford. McGlynn's own brother is a homosexual, yet McGlynn was SO INSENSITIVE as to have the individual who calls being gay "aberrant behavior" write an article about diversity. That's like having a racist like Harvey Alberg on the board of the local television station, the "public swimming pool" that is Access TV, with a genuine group of racists being called "equal opportunity slappers" by Mark E. Rumley the City Solicitor. Don't call Rumley today if you want to verify that quote, he is allegedly at Somerville District Court being an alleged bill collector while making a cool 100K as a lawyer allegedly FOR the City of Medford. Allegedly moonlighting. Call Judge Flynn and ask Rumley to be carted out for boorish behavior. Have Rumley go interview Speaker DiMasi. Because in this writer's opinion, Rumley and this rogue City Council and the Mayor don't belong anywhere else. They certainly don't belong in power in Medford where attacks on gays, lesbians, transgender people and African Americans are not only common, they are acceptable behavior by a City Councilor who should be ashamed of himself.
I have the courage to expose what is going on at TV3 and at the City Council.
And since Bob Maiocco attacks me on such a regular basis, well, “If you're getting a lot of flack, you know you're over the target."
Maiocco is as predictable as he is untrustworthy.
A sports host gets called the "R" word, "retarded", at Medford Community Cablevision, Inc., and Robert A. Maiocco and Bob Penta, SHAMEFULLY, do not go down their with anger in their eyes and DEMAND the RESIGNATION of a dirty filthy Board of Directors. Maiocco and Penta don't have the guts and integrity to defend a person being abused by Frank Pilleri, Harvey Alberg, Doria Alberg, Ronald Delucia, Arthur Deluca and Connie Murphy.
What kind of individuals are you? You aren't men. You have no courage. You are cowards.
And you steal the monies as Councilors when you shuffle paper and insult our community.
“If you're getting a lot of flack, you know you're over the target.
Target in sight. The target is Term Limits and some new faces on the City Council of Medford. People who won't incite anger just to get some ink.
This local writer is standing up for the community. For the LGBT community, for the Medford Community. Posted by Information Central at 8:36 AM
Why was Martha Coakley in Winchester? At a certain TV station?
Is Martha checking out how the competition works next door?
Gee, isn't it rather coincidental that Martha Coakley was in Winchester behind the high school at a TV station...
breaking news...
Do stay tuned....
(Does it have anything to do with the non-profit's division in touch with this editor by personal letter just a couple of days before....OK...stuff even Johnny doesn't stay M.P. said..."This is going to be fun!")
Frank Pilleri hands in his resignation or he can face LITIGATION
Council Resloution to RESCIND CONTRACT and shut down tv3 105,395 10:03 AM Frank Pilleri better bring the documents to City Hall on Tuesday June 18
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Demand on TV3 Financials to Mike McGlynn
6/12 Committee of Whole; Camera rolling
Saturday, June 8, 2013 11:36 AM
Mike McGlynn:
1)We expect answers - on Camera - before or at the Committee of the Whole in regards to allegations that TV3 broke its contract with 5 High Street.
See you on Wednesday with the cameras rolling...we want you, Mr. Rumley and Stephanie Muccini Burke being TRANSPARENT with the residents which I can then upload to VIDEO ON DEMAND on Channel One, Comcast, now that the FCC has intervened and we have that option.